: : Selamat Berbuka Puasa : :

I know, I’m late. I’m always late. Still, better late than never.

Selamat Berbuka Puasa to all the Muslim readers. If need by, can boycott this blog for a month. 🙂 If not, well, read it only at night. I only update at night after 10 p.m. anyways.


: : Granny’s Cooking – Fried Fish : :

Granny cooked a lot of stuff over the weekend and I managed to take a lot of pictures. However, got some other things to do tonight so you have to make do with one picture of Fried Fish.

First, she fried the fish. Then she fried the strips of ginger and onions. Then she fried them together for a short while. And that how we ended up with the picture above.

Tomorrow, how to make wantan soup step by step!