: : Granny’s Cooking ~ Ketola : :
You know, I sort of forgot to do some updates last night, caught up with work and all. By the time I remember, it was already too late and I need to sleep.
So, what do we have tonight? Well, since the theme seems to be step-by-step recipes, I have another one. Stir fried ketola with egg! Yum! A favourite home cook food and one that my sister loves so much when we were growing up.
How does a ketola look like? Well, it’s the green vegetable on the top portion of picture. The bottom portion shows some four-angled beans @ kacang botol which we had with the sambal belachan posted earlier.
First thing is to completely remove the skin of the ketola. Don’t think a slicer will work so you’ll need to use a knife. Slice off the sharp corners first and then remove the rest of the skin. Granny had already cut the ketola into smaller pieces so I didn’t have the chance to take a picture then.
Heat up some oil and stir fry with some chopped pieces of garlic. When the garlic has softened, add in the chunky ketola portions. Make sure that the fire is not too hot else it will burn the ketola.
Continue to stir the ketola now and again. A lot of water will come out of the vegetable.
This is how it will most likely look when the water has come out but with less water. Granny added about 1/4 of a cup of water in to prevent the ketola from burning. Add in some salt and a pinch of MSG to bring out the flavour.
Now, we add the secret ingredient : EGG! Somehow, the egg makes the whole dish taste so much better.
Quickly turn the whole mixture to mix the egg evenly.
Now, wasn’t that a simple dish to do?
So, what is a ketola? Well, after searching for it on Google, I click on this site and found out it was a angled loofah! haha! Yep, we’re eating bath sponges. Young ones mind you.