: : Ten-Ichi : :
Met up with Melvin, MayLin and their friend, Bev, today at Ten-Ichi. At first, the plan was to go and eat at Gamelan, the Indonesian restaurant. However, there was a private function going on there. So, backup plan was to go to the Junk restaurant which, by coincidence, also had a function going on. Finally, we settled at Ten-Ichi, the Japanese restaurant of the Lok Thian Restaurant chain.
Difficult to find parking near the Lok Thian area. There was a wedding going on. Grr… luckily, managed to park right in front of the restaurant when this Merz exited the area. Think I took one of the slots for the wedding entourage but who cares right? First come, first serve. Hee hee!

We shared the Sashimi Take B which was a mixed of salmon and octopus from Japan and the local fish found in Sarawak. We were all into raw food tonight and it was a great appetizer since it came first. RM36 @ US$9.47.

I just love this pickled seaweed with sesame seed oil. It was very crunchy and went well with the sashimi. Only problem was that the strips kept falling all over the place. Goes to show how bad my chopstick skills are and I am a Chinese!! RM8 @ US$2.11.

Bev decided to try the torikatsu curry @ chicken curry Japanese style. Tasted good and it look like such a huge portion. Wah! So tempting! RM14 @ US$3.68.

Right : this was maguru negi dan which I think was a rice dish with vegetables and fish. At least, I think it was. Trying to blog coherently after a double shot if Irish whiskey into Irish Coffee, my brain is not functioning well. Good point to note when ordering Irish Coffee from Seattle Coffee at Merdeka Palace. Never going to have it again. Anyway, if anyone knows what’s inside this dish, please do drop me a line in the comment box. Thanks. RM14 @ US$3.68.

I had the unajyu @ sweetened eel with rice. My Dad thinks it’s not a hygienic dish considering that the eel eats just about anything under the sun but I like it. Haven’t had it for a long time. Very tasty and the portion, again, was huge. RM32 @ US$8.42.

Melvin had this : oyuko dan @ grilled chicken with rice. The chicken was actually underneath all the vegetables that you see in this picture. RM14 @ US$3.68.
We wanted to have some Thai dessert i.e. the water chestnuts in coconut milk but they ran out of it. Sigh. Oh well. Another time, I guess. The set lunch menu is really a bargain but it’s only available during the day time. There is no set dinner menu at night so it’s easy to eat up to over RM100 @ US$26.31 in one seating.
Ten-Ichi is just about the best Japanese restaurant in town, boasting their own in-house Japanese chef. Must be good because most of the Japanese working in Kuching will eat here. The restaurant is located opposite the KMC swimming pool. Parking is really bad when there is a wedding going on in the Chinese or Thai restaurant in the same shoplot with many cars filling up the lots in front and at the back of the building. Note that the surrounding area is not safe and purse snatchers are rampant in this area.
Ten-Ichi Japanese Restaurant
No. 316 – 319, Bangunan Bee San,
Jalan Padungan
93100 Kuching
Tel : 082-331310, 335042
Fax : 082-337736