: : 1st day of Raya : :
9:40 a.m. At Kuching Airport
Wena : Hi Dad!
Dad : Hi! Let’s go and grab some laksa for breakfast.
Wena : Okay. Where do you want to eat it?
Dad : How about Foody Goody?
So, off we went.

Foody Goody is a hawker food center in Tabuan Laru. The laksa available there is just nice. Well, for Dad and me, that is. They do not add in so much coconut milk so tasted real good. RM3 per bowl I think. Worth every penny. Definitely cheaper than the one available at Alexis, Bangsar. RM12 per bowl there! Aiyo!
After that, we went to visit two of his bosses as well as his Mum, my other granny. Then, we started to head back to my house to see the hamsters. 🙂
1:00 p.m. Along the road through the Sarawak Museum Grounds
Dad : Hmm… got any nice place to eat ais kacang (iced drinks)?
Wena : Sure, behind us at Jalan Nenas. We can go there.
Dad : Aiyo! Pass already lah!
Wena : Never mind lah. I can turn back and we go makan (eat) there. Besides, need to go to petshop to look for bigger cage for the hamsters.
Dad : Ok! We go!

Dad ordered some sotong kangkung. Sotong is squid but it was really cuttlefish with rojak and Chinese water spinach. Pop by the Pet Shop after that but they ran out of those plastic aquarium cages that I wanted. Will have to go there again. Came home, we saw the hamsters. He took some pictures on the BenQ camera he brought along. It was one of those Point and Shot cameras. He had some questions to ask me so we look through the manual. Nifty thing.
Drop Dad at the airport in the afternoon. Later on, went to another friend’s place at Santubong. Posting pics later. 🙂 Now, that visit was an interesting visit with Granny.

My Dad. 🙂