: : Korean Restaurant : :
A few weeks ago, I posted a birthday note to May Lin. Well, this was the Korean Restaurant that we went to have dinner. Can’t remember the name of the restaurant because I accidently threw away the receipt. My brain is shot to pieces the past few weeks due to stress. Sigh. So, please feel free to post comments on the names of the Korean dishes. Would be thankful for the feedback from anyone.
This Korean Restaurant is the old Dea Ba Ru Restaurant located at Green Road. They’ve moved over to the new shoplots next to the BDC roundabout. It’s facing the new BHC Fast Food Place (another Korean food outlet).

Now, what is a Korean meal without the usual kimchi and other vegetable dishes on the side? Refills are for free so I was eating quite a fair bit of kimchi. Just love the stuff.

Kimchi Soup : okay, it’s obvious that I just love this stuff. Very spicy but yummy. Keeps one warm in extremely cold air-con restaurants and during winter time as well.

A plate of mixed-vegetable. We were very conscientious eaters that nite.

Now, what is a Korean meal without the famous BBQ pork? Hmmm…hmmm….HMMM!!

The pork strips are cooked on a grilled that is fired up by a small gas cylinder. No, not the big 12 kg ones from Petronas or SHELL but the smaller ones.

The slices are then dipped in sesame seed oil and put onto a leaf of fresh green lettuce. Then, add some bean paste to it, wrap it all up and eat it!
The head waitress kept giving us funny looks when we said that that’s all we were having. Reason was that we still have a birthday cake to eat. Even then, we could not finish the cake and there were 5 of us.