: : Blog Meets & Spicy Chicken : :
Well, it’s going to be a jumble of postings from all over the world now. The variety is going to be interesting but the truth of the matter is that I’m too lazy to organize my pictures in a chronological manner. Still, the mix and match approach should bring along different types of dishes to everyone’s curiosity and probably whet some appetites along the way.

As Grace is organizing another Book Swap Meet, I thought I’d better hurry up and post up the pictures taken from the last one in December 2003. Again, it’s at the same place : KL Sentral’s Starbucks Coffee … err… place? When in the US, I saw a Starbucks at every Barnes and Nobles bookstore. A great place to sit down and sip a cup of tea to relax and enjoy something to eat as well.

Took a snapshot of the painting facing the tables we were sitting at. Thought it look pretty good and then wondered how much it really costs. I find Starbucks very pricey after drinking coffee at Coffee Master in Kuching but after going to the US, realised that it was slightly cheaper after the currency conversion.

We weren’t the only ones having a coffee meeting that day. On the left hand side of the table, you can see a more serious session going on.

Cakes cakes cakes! I remember buying a packet of Kettle Chips instead. IreneQ had a chicken sandwich, I think, and someone ordered a slice of Chocolate Cheesecake. Can’t remember who. Chooki, April and Ryuu bought food from Kenny Roasters and ate them in Starbucks. Haha! BTW, Nicholas, your book is still with me but cannot return it to you during the next meet. Some time this year, you’ll be getting it but not in January 2004! So, have to wait. :p
After that, Chooki suggested we go over to Old Klang Road to a cafe (whose name eludes me at the moment) for dinner but because of the massive traffic jam, IreneQ, Albert and myself decided to go to Sunway Pyramid instead. We went to look for my corduroy jeans that I needed to bring over to the US. Corduroy jeans will keep one very warm during the winter months.

After buying my jeans, we went off to eat at Nandos Chicken which Albert swears that it is so good. Something new for me so I thought why not? Thanks to IreneQ for being such a good sport that day for fetching us around and having dinner with us there.

While waiting for the food to come, I took awhile to read up on the stories on the wall. Click on the pictures for a bigger size picture for easier reading.

The plastic chicken reminded me (figuratively) of the skinny, scrawny kampung chicken until Dr.Liew posted up this picture! Urgh! Will never EVER touch the plastic holder again!

There were 4 different table sauces available. Can’t remember the names of the sauces. Think there were 3 spicy ones and 1 garlic sauce.

Grrr…they ran out of the Peri-peri version so we had to settle for the Lemon and Herb version of the chicken. Albert was pouring the hot peri-peri sauce like mad onto his plate. He adores sour chilli sauce. One day, you should try Jalapeno chillis. Think you’ll like that.
After that, we parted ways. Albert to catch the KTM back to the train station and catch the bus back and IreneQ send me back to Kelana Jaya. It was a nice ending to a busy day and I had a great time with you all.
Till we meet next in KL!