: : Sick at Home : :
Yesterday was spent at home, sleeping most of the time. Except for the times when I went downstairs to get more water or to go and see the doctor.

Granny was cutting some midin to be cook later but she cooked it with sambal belachan! Argh! Couldn’t eat it due to this horrid sore throat. Darn it!

Well, had this for breakfast after going to the doctor to get some medicine and an MC (Medical Chit) certifying that I need to take one day of sick leave. So, as a good little girl, I had to have something to eat first before taking any medicine. The only thing my stomach could hold down was a hot cup of Milo with some bread to dip it in. It was delicious as always! The bread is very very soft, bought from Mita Cake House. The only other bread that I do like is from the Fuji Bakery at the junction of Jalan Ong Tiang Swee and Rock Road. Very very soft bread without the salty preservative taste of Gardenia (which is severely OVERRATED!). Once you’ve tasted these bread, you will never touch Gardenia again. Come to think about it, Gardenia bread disappeared off the shelves of Kuching a couple of years ago. Good! Well, back to the bread from the two Kuching bakeries. Think the secret ingredient is milk which makes it extremely soft and the Fuji bread is slightly sweetish.

Going to the office today was a bad mistake. Due to the extreme coldness, I started off the day in a non-stop fit of coughing and breaking out into sweat because of the medicine and coughing. I got sympathy cries from a lot of people who said I should go back home and rest as well as to get better before CNY! Just before I left, Pascale gave me some biscuits as well as another collegue. Looks like JL is in town again, one of my vendors. Everytime he’s around, he’s either distributing biscuits or chocolates bought from the duty free shop at the airport. Then, someone just had to open up a packet of fried sotong coated with sugar and eat it in the office. The smell alone was enough to start my saliva production but with this sore throat, it was just not possible to eat it!
Anyway, took MC again today and slept the afternoon away. The cough is better now but will have another coughing fit tonight because it gets darn cold at nite in Kuching. Saw spoonfork doing an oliver twist on the previous posting. Aduh! Cook yourself lah! Or one of the readers will be more than willing to cook it for you? Perhaps fry or zain?
BTW, Shiewie, if you’re reading this, someone was doing a search for you and ended up at this blog. Wonder who’s got the hots for ya?