: : Asian Online Recipes & Kuching Outer-Court : :

A typical Sunday spent surfing the net and bringing Granny out to get some last minute groceries for CNY.

Granny : We MUST get some GREEN VEGGIES LAH! Next week, no shop buka (open)!!

Wena : OK ok ok ok. Got enough kim chai (salted veggie) for your duck soup or not?

Granny : Can buy some more! Make BIG BIG pot and eat for 3 days!

Well, after the shopping spree, it was me back online surfing the net again when I found this site : Asian Online Recipes. Found it at EatonWeb and it’s actually located here in Malaysia. It details a lot of Chinese cuisine with step by step instructions. Not a lot of pictures though but it’s the recipes that are important! There’s even a free e-zine titled ‘The Practical Guide for Asian Recipes’.

On another note, Philipp has put up some of my pics on his site about Kuching. You can view it here. Suddenly, the food just jumps out at you!

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