: : Ayam Masak Merah (continuation) : :
Granny : Wah! So many different recipes lah! Which one to try ah? Eh, how come some no tomato sauce one ah?
Wena : Dunno. Try lor!
Granny : Ok ok ok ok… we see which one better, ok? Must buy tomato paste in tin one!
Ayam Masak Merah is a wonderful Malay dish that means Chicken cooked in Red. A favourite amongst many Malaysians and others too!
: : Ayam Masak Merah (continuation) : :
Granny : Wah! So many different recipes lah! Which one to try ah? Eh, how come some no tomato sauce one ah?
Wena : Dunno. Try lor!
Granny : Ok ok ok ok… we see which one better, ok? Must buy tomato paste in tin one!
Ayam Masak Merah is a wonderful Malay dish that means Chicken cooked in Red. A favourite amongst many Malaysians and others too!
: : 7th day of CNY : :

Granny : Must eat must eat! 7 types of veggie inside!
Wena : Wah! My favourite! What’s inside ah?
Granny : Guess guess!
Wena : *munch*munch* Hmmm…. leek, celery, pak choi (Chinese lettuce), cangkuk manis (mani chai), chai sim. Eh! Dunno what the other 2 are lah!
Granny : Haha! Your Kuku (Uncle) also cannot tell lah!
Wena :
Dunno lah! What what?
Granny : One is ku chai (Chinese chives) which I grow in garden. Other one is leaf from the kailan (Chinese broccoli) I bought last time. (Note : last time she went to the market)
Wena : Very nice lah! 
Granny : I tell you ah! So difficult to think think what veggie to masak (cook) lah!
: : Old childhood friends : :
Calling home.
Daddy : By the way, I met up with the Chin sisters on Monday at their Dad’s house.
Wena : Really? Cool.
Daddy : Ya! The eldest said that they both visited your blog every day!
Wena : Wah! Hee hee!
Daddy : And the eldest took me aside to introduce me to the young man by her side as “This man is Wena’s father. She maintains that mum-mum blog.”
Wena : Hahaha!
Hello A and L!
Long time no see! We eat dim sum together one day in Miri, k? 
Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.