: : 4th day of CNY : :
Okay, so I’m jumping back and forth with my postings for CNY. Forgot that I had these pics lying somewhere in the mum-mum pic folders. I went to visit a lovely couple from KL who were back visiting family. Also brought along Henry (a teddy bear made from Build-A-Bear) which I got for their son from the USA. Of course, we would have to wait for him to be born first.

Ah How : Here! Try some! Cannot find anywhere else!
Wena : *munch*munch* Taste familiar lah! Know it’s not halal but cannot place it lah!
Ah How : Aiya! It’s homemade Kai Chai Peng (Chicken biscuits). My auntie make one. Cannot find anywhere else. You probably had the thicker version from Kampar.
Wena : Oh ya! That’s rite! This is better!
I regretted not asking to tapau (get a doggie bag) some of the biscuits before leaving them.

Wena : Oohh! So cute! The little round biscuits (center) look like those old Chinese coins.
Pegs : Haha!
Wena : Cheese biscuits (lower right) and the pineapple tarts (looks like a porcupine, middle right) tastes so good.
Pegs : Here! These are also cheese biscuits.

Wena : Oohh! My favourite! (Yeah yeah… I love CNY cookies alrite).
Pegs : Ooppss! Someone makan (eat) most of it lah. I refill for you to enjoy.
Wena : 
CNY is all about eating and eating and eating. Thankfully, no one made me suffer through any drinking sessions.