: : Queso Sauce : :
Was thinking hard what to blog about today when I found a stash of pictures from my US trip still not posted yet. So, am presenting to you a great dish wonderfully cooked by my sister’s fiance, Donnie : QUESO SAUCE! A great tasting cheese dip that goes well with corn chips. Believe me, I’m addicted to corn chips.

The great thing about this dip is that you need a crock pot to do most of the cooking as well as a frying pan. Donnie added in a huge chunk of cheddar cheese and Jalapenos, I think. Can’t quite remember what we added in. Anyway, I think it was a sauce of Jalapenos and onions. Do not use the normal red chillis found in Asia but rather, the sour-iest kind of chilli is a lot better for this.

Set the heat settings to LOW and watch as the entire block of cheese start to melt and the Jalapenos softening.

Then he started frying up the beef. Was it beef ham or salted beef chunks? Can’t can’t can’t quite remember. Never did write everything down. Donnie, HELP! Once the beef was cooked, he added it into the crock pot and mixed everything all up.

The final dish! Yeah yeah, looks pretty gross and sticky but was worth it. Pour it over some corn chips and voila! A tasty snack for the coach potato. Definitely addictive and for watching movies or just the telly.