: : Valentine Day Poll : :

Right. CNY is over and it’s time to take down the CNY poll. Here are the results from 107 ppl :

What is your favourite Chinese New Year treat?

Pineapple Tarts : 22.4%

Yee Sang : 15.0%

Pork Leg Stew : 3.7%

Braised Duck in Soy Sauce : 8.4%

Salted Vegetable Soup : 8.4%

Stir-Fry Leeks : 0.9%

Love Letters : 12.1%

Layer Cake : 8.4%

Bak Poh / BBQ Pork Slices : 10.3%

Mandarin Oranges : 10.3%

Hmm…there is something about pineapple tarts, no?

Anyway, here is another poll but this time in conjuction with Valentine’s Day this weekend :

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Now, be honest!

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