: : Wena does a Larry David Letterman : :
Can’t believe I saw this list of Top 10 reasons at TopSpot Seafood Center tonight. Also can’t believe the effects of blogging after two drinks of vodka lime with assam sumboi added for taste with a volatile combination of seafood dishes such as chilli buttered prawn and black pepper crab : Got David letterman’s name wrong.

Top 10 reasons for Food Poisoning (Left)
1. Food prepared too far in advance and stored at room temperature, i.e. not under refrigeration.
2. Cooling food too slowly prior too refrigeration.
3. Not reheating food to high enough temperatures to destroy food poisoning bacteria.
4. The use of cooked food contaminated with food poisoning bacteria.
5. Undercooking.
6. Not thawing frozen poultry for sufficient time.
7. Cross-contamination from raw food to cooked food.
8. Storing hot food below 60 degrees Celsius.
9. Infected food handlers.
10. Use of leftovers.
10 Point Codes for Food Trade Workers (Right)
1. Wash your hands always before touching food and after using the toilet.
2. Tell your supervisor at once of any skin, nose, throat or bowel trouble.
3. Cover cuts and sores with waterproof dressings.
4. Wear clean clothing and be clean.
5. Remember smoking in a food room is illegal and dangerous. Never cough or sneeze over food.
6. Clean as you go in food rooms. (Eh?)
7. Keep food clean, covered and either cool or piping hot.
8. Keep your hands off food as far as possible. Keep food utensils clean.
9. Keep the lid on the dustbin.
10. Remember the law requires clean, fully equipped well lit and airy conditions for food preparations.
I wonder if someone to persuade the diners that it is safe to eat seafood there. Can’t be that bad because it was quite pack when we went there.
They forgot one very important rule for food traders : BOIL THE WATER BEFORE MIXING IT INTO DRINKS! I know that the Miri Municipal Council requires all hawkers and restaurant owners to boil the water before mixing it into drinks. Not sure about the two Kuching City councils (Kuching City South Council and Kuching City North Council) though. Does anyone know about this?