: : Is my blog burning? Tartine Edition ~ Nonya Style : :

Totally forgot about the fact that today was the day appointed for ‘Is my blog burning? Tartine Edition’. Until I read Renee’s posting, that is. Then, it was a scramble to think of what to do. Thinking thinking thinking about it, I recalled Lucia’s comment about sambal hebi being eaten with bread. So, thought, why not?

Wena : Wei! You got sambal hebi (prawn sambal), wor?

Granny : In tin one got lah!

Wena : Wanna take pictures. Going to put on the internet.

Granny : Wah! Like that one kah?

Wena : Yalor. Forgot today that group of us are posting up about food eaten on bread (easier to explain Tartine this way).

Granny : OK! We heat up the sambal hebi first. Nicer lah!

We first heated it up in a pot of water. Once the water was boiling, the tin was removed. Opening it was pretty easy even when the tin was hot because of the can opener. One can turn the can opener without having to touch the hot hot tin.

The other ingredients were the bread and slices of cucumber. Already, the wonderful smell of the sambal was getting to me and Granny.

And there you go, Tartine Sambal Hebi. Very simple and easy to do. Not that eye-catching but believe me, the taste more than made up for it.

Thanks to Lucia for her suggestion many months ago!

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