: : Ramzi : :

Dear Ramzi,

You sound like someone who seems a bit lost about something, hence the need to lash out on my tag-board pertaining to my late grandmother.

Am I mad? Good question. The feeling that I feel at the moment is not anger but sadness that you are acting like this. However, at the end of the day, if you’re hoping that I will get angry and hurt from your comments, then I can tell you that I’m not. For I know my grandmother is at a better place which is free from worries and stress. I’m glad that she left this life peacefully without the pain from a sickness and disease. The entire family is grateful to the Lord for taking her so mercifully and gracefully during this time.

I think you will need to think : what have you to gain from your actions? Are you hoping for me to flame you? Or to be traumatize by your words? I’m not. However, I will take down your comments from the tag-board out of respect for my grandmother’s memories and also for the family.



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