: : GE 2004 : :

4:30 p.m. Sunday 21 March 2004. At late Granny’s house. The conversation is an abbreviated version.

2nd aunt : Aiya! Forgot that today have to go and vote! So late already!

Someone : Still got time lah! Can someone drive her down?

Someone else : Get Ah Wei to drive her lah!

Yet Someone else : He’s not here lah.

My Mum : Wena’s got a car. Can drive her down lah!

Wena : Yeah, Auntie. Can, I don’t mind.

Cousin : Me too.

Wena : Sure. No worries.

4:45 p.m. Outside the school. Speaking to a policeman.

Wena : Pakcik! Masih buka kah? (Uncle! Still open for voting?)

Policeman : Ya ya! Masih! (Yes yes! Still open!)

Wena : Auntie, you’re lucky. Still open.

Policeman : Oi! Buka pagar! Ada orang tua sini! (Oi! Open the gate! There’s an elderly person here!)

Cousin : Wah! Good good. No need to walk so far.

So, if one doesn’t want to walk the long walk to the polling station, do a good deed by bringing the elderly to vote. As for me, my polling station is in my hometown Miri as SPR did not recognize my current address but rather my address on my IC. Well, I’ve now applied for the new MyKad, have since changed my address to the current one, making it easier to vote in Kuching. Luckily the BN candidate also won the Parlimentary seat for Miri. Phew!

: : Generosity : :

During the weekend when the funeral arrangements were made and waiting for family members to arrive, cousins and other relatives were buying food for the family. Here is the midnite snack that we had.

We had chai kueh @ fried yam with egg, siao bee @ steam pork dumplings wrapped in wantan skin and char siew pao @ white buns with sweetened pork meat.

We all caught up with stories of Amah over the table and throughout the next three days. Stories that some of us have never heard or new ones from friends and relatives that happened over the years. Happy stories. Sad stories. Funny stories. Even now trying to remember everything is a bit hard. Must write it down one day.

The last picture I had with Amah was some time last year. This was taken in November 2003 when my Dad was in town and we went to visit her. Sad to say that I wasn’t so close to this grandmother, having grown up in a different town which was about 50 minutes after by airplane. I did managed to catch up with tales of Amah over the years and more recently, during the gathering of the family to remember her passing.

: : A Reply from the owners of Mazmazza : :

I received a very nice email from the owners of the Egyptian restaurant, Mazmazza. Here is an excerpt of the email :

Hi !

I came across your “mum-mum” website by chance. I am

impressed by it and

how good the quality of your pictures.

Bravo !!

You did very nice shots on Mazmazza (site & food) – thank

you very much.

It’s a pleasure to know someone whom appreciates our food &


Apart from making resevations, however, all is very welcome

to just walk-in

to our restaurant. It will be our greatest pleasure to

extend our best food

& hospitality. Feel at home… relax & have good times

with friends and


Thanks again Ms Wena and I’ll try to keep you posted on

future events taking

place at Mazmazza.

We try to organise events from time to time so that our

customers can have

great time as they enjoy good food & relaxing ambience.

They have regular belly dancing shows but you’ll need to call them to check on the date and time as it’s not a regular do. Call 02-62977473 / 62977472 or 93864450 (Jamilah) for details.

Wish I could go there again but unfortunately, have to plan for another trip to Singapore in order to do that.

: : A Reply from the owners of Mazmazza : :

I received a very nice email from the owners of the Egyptian restaurant, Mazmazza. Here is an excerpt of the email :

Hi !

I came across your “mum-mum” website by chance. I am

impressed by it and

how good the quality of your pictures.

Bravo !!

You did very nice shots on Mazmazza (site & food) – thank

you very much.

It’s a pleasure to know someone whom appreciates our food &


Apart from making resevations, however, all is very welcome

to just walk-in

to our restaurant. It will be our greatest pleasure to

extend our best food

& hospitality. Feel at home… relax & have good times

with friends and


Thanks again Ms Wena and I’ll try to keep you posted on

future events taking

place at Mazmazza.

We try to organise events from time to time so that our

customers can have

great time as they enjoy good food & relaxing ambience.

They have regular belly dancing shows but you’ll need to call them to check on the date and time as it’s not a regular do. Call 02-62977473 / 62977472 or 93864450 (Jamilah) for details.

Wish I could go there again but unfortunately, have to plan for another trip to Singapore in order to do that.

: : A Reply from the owners of Mazmazza : :

I received a very nice email from the owners of the Egyptian restaurant, Mazmazza. Here is an excerpt of the email :

Hi !

I came across your “mum-mum” website by chance. I am

impressed by it and

how good the quality of your pictures.

Bravo !!

You did very nice shots on Mazmazza (site & food) – thank

you very much.

It’s a pleasure to know someone whom appreciates our food &


Apart from making resevations, however, all is very welcome

to just walk-in

to our restaurant. It will be our greatest pleasure to

extend our best food

& hospitality. Feel at home… relax & have good times

with friends and


Thanks again Ms Wena and I’ll try to keep you posted on

future events taking

place at Mazmazza.

We try to organise events from time to time so that our

customers can have

great time as they enjoy good food & relaxing ambience.

They have regular belly dancing shows but you’ll need to call them to check on the date and time as it’s not a regular do. Call 02-62977473 / 62977472 or 93864450 (Jamilah) for details.

Wish I could go there again but unfortunately, have to plan for another trip to Singapore in order to do that.

: : Granny on Doctors : :

Took Granny (the one I live with) to the doctors’ today. She saw more than one. This was after seeing the bone doctor :

Granny : (looking thoughtful) Wah! The doctor now old lah. Last time I saw him long time ago, he still got black hair one.

Wena : Aiya! Everyone is younger than you lah. They’re also getting older like you lah!