: : PERKATA Charity Sales : :

Sorry about no updates. My streamyx connection is down (what else is new?) and been a bit tired lately.

On another note, I’m helping out at the PERKATA Charity Sale this Sunday 2nd May 2004 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Ironically, I’m not selling food but am doing Body/Face Painting. The sale is held at the PERKATA School opposite the Blind Center, along Jalan Ong Tiang Swee. The sale is in aid to raise funds for the school which is for handicapped/physically challenged children. PERKATA stands for the Sarawak Association for the Welfare of Intellectually Disabled Children, translated in Malay, of course. There will be a lot of food, drinks, souvenier and games stalls available.

On the 2nd of May, there will be another 3 more sales going on. Those are at St. Joseph, Chung Hua Middle School No. 3 and one more which slips my mind at the moment.

So, see you there then! After all, the PERKATA Charity Sale is for a good cause.

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