: : Coffee Master ~ Carpenter Street : :

Well, after the dinner with Lindsey, May Lin, Tim and Min Yen, we went off to Coffee Master for some dessert. Instead of the one at Somerset Gateway, we decided to try out the new outlet at Carpenter Street.

This was Lindsey’s drink : a beautiful Sunrice Ice-blended where the orange was blended with ice and some milk, I think. Or was it yogurt?

Mocha ice-blended was for me. Something simple : coffee and chocolate goes extremely well together. Although a simpler and cheaper way to making mocha at home is to mix Milo and Nescafe together. Yum.

Tim ordered the chocolate vanilla ice-blended which, translated into understable English, is chocolate and vanilla ice-cream blended with some ice and some coffee. Looks good eh?

Milk is for the little girl, May Lin. This is the iced honey milk. Goodness galore. Went very well with the peanut cookies we ordered.

Address Details :

Coffee Master

13 China Street

93300 Kuching.

Tel : 082-250 958 / 242899

Mobile : 016 867 6480

It’s in the small lane past the old Chinese Temple but before Bishop’s Gate. The small lane is running parallel to Bishop’s Gate.

That’s all then. Cheerio.

: : IMBB ~ III : :

Totally forgot that today was the cakewalk and couldn’t get hold of my cousin to ask her to this recipe. Argh! Next time. Anyway, enjoy the various postings all over the web. Renee will have a list of postings up soon enough.

Ah well.

: : Meeting up with Lindsey ::

Let’s see, it must have been nearly 7 to 8 years that I haven’t seen this cheerful and chirpy young lady. Lindsey from my childhood days, where she and her brothers and my sister as well as myself used to goto church youth activities together and borrowing books from this children’s library at the GCM. She was in town for the next few weeks so took her as well as May Lin and Tim (who were back from Malacca on holiday) as well as Min Yen for dinner at Da Chin Hua. Both Min Yen and I wanted to try out the BBQ pit that is on the table

One thing’s for sure : it was HOT! With the charcoal in the middle of the table, we could feel the heatwaves coming out of it. It also didn’t help that there weren’t a single ceiling fan anywhere. This concept of hanving a BBQ pit in the table only works for cold climates and definitely not in Malaysia. Still, it was something new that all of us wanted to try it out.

For the BBQ, we ordered some fish as well as chicken. They came in think slices.

These were the ingredients for the BBQ : L to R – Salt, some spices which we couldn’t identify but had chilli and oregano in it, oil for browning the stuff and oiling the wire rack so that the food doesn’t stick to it and good chilli paste. Yum. A mix of Indian spices with some Italian (oregano) and chilli powder (all over Asia, one can find chilli powder). So, it was a lot of fun but it was too hot in Kuching to appreciate the warmth of the grill. Think it’ll kick off better in winter. Ah well.

And so we mix the herbs with the fish and chicken. The oil was put onto the meat as well as the wire rack. We had to keep a constant watch over the food so that it doesn’t brown too fast and that the flames that were firing up from the oil drips, caught anything else on fire. Phew!

We also ordered some bak choi which the waitress claim is not. So hmmm… it was cooked in oyster sauce and garlic. Very filling, alrite.

Excellent lamb with cumin seeds. Yummy. We had it before and so, we had it again. A bit fatty though.

When was the dinner? On Thursday night. Da Chin Hua (the restaurant) is located at 3rd Mile, behind the Amway office. If you’re planning to eat there, remember to dress lightly because it can get very hot.

: : Seattle Coffee : :

It was great meeting up with Vivien after a long abscence of about 6 months, I think. Could be more. Big gang of us from the office met her today for dinner and after that, adjourned to Seattle Coffee at Merdeka Palace. We were all waiting for time to pass until the clock hit a decent hour for clubbing.

The biggest fruit tart I’ve ever seen in Kuching city (nearly typed Kuching Town). Delicious looking kiwi fruit (yes, it tasted tart but there was a huge mountain of whipped cream underneath it). The cheesecake was very rich but went very well with the coffee and tea.

A simple cup of Green Tea goes a very long way towards good health. It also works wonders with wasabi sauce. One sip and the wasabi effect is gone completely. Like magic. I’m always amazed by the wonders of green tea to reverse the effect of the green wasabi sauce.

We also devoured some slices of carrot cake. Yum yum yum. Although, I still prefer the one that my Auntie Maria bakes. Hmm… now that’s an idea for the cakewalk.

Hot chocolate with whipped cream! All-time favourite. Only thing missing was marshmellows. I love making hot chocolate with full cream milk only (taught by my sister). No, they didn’t do it this way at Seattle Coffee. Rather, it was me dreaming about the wonderful tasting fresh cream milk that I had in the USA.

Mocha freeze was what I had although I think something just wasn’t right with the drink. So, switched it to a cup of Earl Grey Tea instead. Nothing goes wrong with a dried bag of tea leaves.

While walking Vivien back to her car, we saw this :

Personally, the colour scheme is not for me, regardless of what my friends think of my wardrobe. However, it tells me that the rider is very confident as well as flamboyant to ride such a brightly coloured bike. First thought that came to mind was BARBIE! Hee hee… sorry, couldn’t resist mentioning that.

: : Honey Bee : :

Been so busy lately that I’m plump tuckered out at the end of the day. Phew! I do have a day job to maintain to earn my bread and butter lah!

Anyway, Granny ask me to drink this : Longan Honey. She recommended mixing it with hot water. It’s about RM45 per bottle but looking at the details made me wonder whether this was a GM food, similar to the honey potatoe that is on sale in town. Hmm… well, haven’t tried it yet but should have an interesting flavour, I’m sure.

I’ve also been busy bringing Granny to the eye doctor for her follow-up checkups. She’s doing alrite and as sprite as ever. A bit hyper as well. She’s an amusement to all the nurses there.

Cheerio then.

p.s. Will be blogging less these days. Feeling a bit lazy after blogging everyday for about 6 months. Ah well. I need some rest or motivation, whichever comes first.