: : Hong Leong Charity Run : :


And that was my alarm clock going off at 5.45 a.m. in the morning as had to be at Padang Merdeka (Independance Field) at 6:30 a.m. Volunteered to help talk some pictures for friends and no, it is not for the press. The event? It was the annual Hong Leong Charity Run.

It was a beautiful morning and one thing about getting up early, is that one can get awesome shots like the one above. The sun was to the left of the building so the striking light lite up the entire building so that it comes so sharp and the foreground (the trees) were silhouttes. After CY Leow’s posting and beautiful pictures of Kuching, I was inspired. So cliche but what the heck! Since it was the truth. Although, I’m not a good photographer. Why? Because I tweak the pictures using softwares to enhance, or rather to correct my mistakes. A good picture is when one doesn’t need to make so many tweaks to make it look awesome. Ok, so I’m a perfectionist.

By luck, I met Syarfina and her cheery Mother as well as her younger brother. Her mother was so sweet. She went to get me a bottle of mineral water and some chewing gum, even though I wasn’t running. Thanks, Makcik! So, I was clicking away and being noticeable in the crowd with my tripod. I find that it gives better pictures using a tripod and it wasn’t so cumbersome to carry around after all. There were quite a number of photographers, both from the press and also from the crowd. Everyone was clicking away and most of us had digital cameras.

So, took pictures and pictures of people running. Trying to get shots of the ‘defining moment’ but I still need a lot of practice. Didn’t really get enough of those shots. Ah well. A lot of pals went and got drinks for me. So kind of them.

Free drink were abundant. Not only mineral water but also 100 Plus – Berry flavour. Verdict : such a terrible drink because there wasn’t the fizz to remove the weird taste. Doesn’t even taste like Berry. Urgh! Min Yen mentioned they were giving Gatorade a run for their money but it was so terrible. Never again.

The Milo was a lot better. One can always find a Milo drink stand at any sports meet, be it a small school sports event or a major one like this Charity Run. Usually, the drinks are dispensed for free so it was a great thirst quencher. Better than the 100 Plus-Berry flavour.

Well, that was my Sunday morning. After that, had breakfast with another collegue at Carpenter Street but no pictures as was really tired by then. We ate the famous Kolo Mee at Bishop’s Gate.

Phew! I’m off then. Till next time.

: : Nougat : :

My other uncle came back from Singapore with these goodies. Yum yum! Haven’t had nougat in ages! It’s very hard to find nougat in Kuching. I almost forgotten the taste of it until I saw this. From Golden Boronia in Australia, the ones in the red box are hard whereas the ones in the white box were soft and chewy. Personally, I like the chewy ones.

Never knew that nougat was a French candy until today. This site was telling how nougat was manufactured from almonds. Hm… no wonder it is so tasty. Seems like the best is found in a place called Montelimar, France. Also found a recipe on making nougat which they also call it as Torrone.

Try it! It’s very very addictive.

: : Swamped : :

If only I can enjoy a bowl of ais kacang @ iced nut drink. It’s too hot these days. Not enough rain. Too much work. Brain is shutting down.

Tantalizing the tastebuds is what I can do at the moment. Even my own. Not enough energy to post more. But, I did managed to get a spectacular picture of the moon last nite. Here is the unedited version of the moon close-up.

Nite nite. Sleep tight. And don’t let the bed bugs bite.

: : Swamped : :

If only I can enjoy a bowl of ais kacang @ iced nut drink. It’s too hot these days. Not enough rain. Too much work. Brain is shutting down.

Tantalizing the tastebuds is what I can do at the moment. Even my own. Not enough energy to post more. But, I did managed to get a spectacular picture of the moon last nite. Here is the unedited version of the moon close-up.

Nite nite. Sleep tight. And don’t let the bed bugs bite.

: : Is My Blog Burning? Version 3 : :

The 3rd version of IMBB is out now but this time with another theme : CAKES! Renee is the gracious hostess this time round. So, if you’re interested in posting up details on baking a cake, drop her a line.

The due date is 18 April 2004. I think I know what I want to do. Something different and this time, will run over to my auntie’s kitchen to borrow her oven. So, let’s try it out.

: : Is My Blog Burning? Version 3 : :

The 3rd version of IMBB is out now but this time with another theme : CAKES! Renee is the gracious hostess this time round. So, if you’re interested in posting up details on baking a cake, drop her a line.

The due date is 18 April 2004. I think I know what I want to do. Something different and this time, will run over to my auntie’s kitchen to borrow her oven. So, let’s try it out.