: : Salads, Delia style : :
I’m scouring the net for more recipes on salad. Suddenly found a nice way to eat salad : REALLY COLD!! Now I realised why I never seriously got into the salad bug. It’s because the salad were never cold enough. Now, suddenly everything that is green tastes so sweet when it’s been in the fridge for some time.
Anyway, found some salad recipes from Delia Smith’s site. She’s seriously amazing and her recipes look so easy to make. Having said that, I bought a recipe book about 2 years ago at half price at the local bookstore (couldn’t believe that it was half price). It’s the Delia Collection : Book One but unfortunately, it’s mostly eggs, potato, rice and baking bread! However, she does describe in great detail how to cook the egg properly. Oh yes, it’s not easy to just simply fry an omelette.
One of her recipes on a rice salad looks pretty good to eat and to make for the next IMBB organized by Pim. No, I’m not making this but it reminded me of another of my Granny’s recipe that we haven’t had in a long long time. So, think will do that instead. Until the 23rd of May!
: : Waste Not, Want Not : :

One thing about us Chinese folks is that we would eat nearly all parts of a pig. Like this soup of tripe. What is tripe? It’s part of the stomach lining which is soft and chewy but not tough that you cannot bite into it. It’s easy to cook it as a soup but one needs to cook it with black peppercorns. It would also take a long time to cook so one needs to put the pot under a slow fire. The picture was taken last year during one of the lunch outings.
The problem with cooking pork tripe is that one would have to get it from a Chinese butcher who would have already treated the tripe such that one doesn’t need to prepare it before cooking. Granny’s gone to bed already so couldn’t ask her how it’s done. All I remembered was that it involved alot of washing and squeezing out the water. There’s probably something added into it to ‘clean’ the tripe but offhand, I can’t remember what it’s suppose to be.
But, it’s still a very yummy dish. Granny sometimes cooks it at home with some chicken or pork meat to add to the flavour of the soup. Yum!
Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.