: : IMBB No. 5 ~ Catch of the Day : :

For IMBB No. 5, we are doing the fish. Oh yes. Smelly fish. Pungent fish. Glorious fish. We are making it the dish catch of the day on THE DAY. The day is 20 June 2004.

Now, what is IMBB? An acronym for Is my Blog Burning, it started off as an idea from Alberto to have a blog cooking day where a theme is selected and everyone makes a dish centered around the theme. We’ve had soups, tartines, cakes and rice dishes from all over the world, serve in different and yet delicious ways. If there ever was a time that an ordour option where smells can be sent via the internet be invented, this would be a great time to do so. Not to mention that the last IMBB on rice saw more than 50 entries on rice alone!

So, for no. 5, let’s make something from fish. Yeah yeah, it sounds like something out of the Iron Chef series. Note that only the 4th edition and this one is based on a cooking ingredient and the previous 3 editions were more on the type of dish. Still, it’s an amazing event and the number of participants just keeps growing and growing and growing.

How to do it? Well, it’s easy. Post up a writeup with recipe on a dish where fish is one of the ingredients anywhere on your blog or website. Drop me a comment or an email to say where the link is and I will post up the links the following day. If you do not have a weblog, you can email me your pictures at myremi@gmail.com along with the writeup and I will post it up on my blog for you. Even if you would like to share a favourite recipe, I would love to hear about it and can easily post it up for you.

You can use any fish ingredient, be it fresh fish, frozen fish, canned fish, fish balls, fish cakes, fish patties, fish skin or fish soy sauce. Just be fishy as fishy as you want your dish to be. Only rule here is to use fishy fishy fish fish.

It’s fun. Do join us. We love to hear from you on how your cooking preparation and your meal went. So, let’s make it a date to have a huge even on 20 June!


: : Granny’s Visit to another physician : :

Thanks to everyone who have given words of encouragement and support. It truly means a lot to hear it from all of you and Granny thanks you as well.

The morning apppointment went well. Granny has been given a set of new medication and so far, till this moment, she is feeling as she usually does : chirpy, perky and ready to roll. We will be going to have her chest X-ray done as well as a blood test to follow-up. Also, once the results are in, I’m to bring her ECG report from the other doctor to this one as well. I’m in the process of getting her medical records from that other doctor to pass to this one.

With this other doctor, I learnt a new ‘trick’ : to check the blood pressure of both arms and if there is a huge difference, something is not right. So now, the daily blood checks at home will be on both arms.

Blood test and X-ray will be done on Thursday next week because the labs are not opened during the Gawai Festival next week until 3rd June. Will be taking the morning off and going with Granny to get it done.

Anyway, we’re both happy that we met this new doctor and a lot of our worries have eased up. Although it was an expensive exercise with the previous doctor although his charges were cheaper, nothing beats getting a good doctor to ease one’s worries. And when I think of how much it costs to go and see a doctor in a Western country, the RM320 (USD84) fee that we paid for consultation, medication for a month and echo scan, it was well worth it.

Note that both doctors are not GPs but are specialists known as physicians. I was informed that a physician is one who carries out tests and investigates to why a person is sick. Not sick as in flu sick but illnesses that are difficult to diagnosed. Doctors aren’t a bad sort but like anyone who is working, some are better than others.

I’m off now to read up more on high blood pressure and geriatrics, not to mention the medication that Granny is now taking. So, cheerio!