: : Onion Biscuit : :

I could not believe it when one of my collegues offered me some onion biscuit! Well, more like spring onion biscuit. Seriously though, it tasted really good and also sweetish!

I used to buy this biscuit by the tin (it was a huge coffee powder tin) and put it in the office for everyone to eat. This is one addictive biscuit. If you like it, you’ll really really love it.

My collegue bought the biscuit from a local supermarket called Everrise. Well, I’m glad to be able to taste a little bit of memories from 5 years ago.

: : Gawai Celebrations : :

It’s the end of harvest celebration starting tomorrow. The celebration is known as Gawai and it will be two days of public holidays for everyone.

There is an Open House at the Kuching Civic Center tomorrow 1 June 2004 starting 10 am to 3 pm. I believe that it’s organized by the Politicians and food will be provided. I wonder whether there will be any cultural performances or not?

Anyway, do drop by. It’s an interesting and fun time. Of course, the traffic jams would be seriously bad but not too worrisome. Am planning to go early, take some pictures and get out of there really quick before the lunch crowd appears.
