: : Burning burning BURNT! : :

The Sunday morning dawn bright and cheery and I overslept. So, I didn’t quite managed to take the earlier shots of Granny making her tasty Pineapple, Prawn and Salted Fish Curry. Yummy! Ok ok, so it doesn’t sound that great. You have to taste the curry to be totally convinced.

For the ingredients, Granny cut a few small shallots into small pieces and stir-fried them with the curry paste. Note that the curry paste that she used is for making fish curry.

Once the paste is fragrant, she added in the pineapples and filled it up with water. She also added in some salted fish with the fish bones. The curry was then left to boil on a slow fire for about an hour to soften the pineapple. Add in some sugar to taste.

When the pineapple is soft, add in the prawns and let the entire simmer until it’s cook. Serve hot.

This is the finished dish. It goes very very well with rice and tasted so good. It’s not easy to find this dish. Most of the time, I eat it at home. I’ve never seen it outside although I have tasted pineapple curry. The fish itself no longer tastes salty as all the salt would have already come out and entered the soup. And that’s the fishy entry from Wena and Granny, or rather Granny.

I’ll be putting up a list of the other IMBB dishes tomorrow once the full listing comes in. So, come by tomorrow and see the gorgeous and sumptious spread ahead!

Ta ta!

5 thoughts on “”

  1. Hi Wena-
    Mmm! My mouth is watering for Granny’s Pineapple, prawn and salted fish curry. I love a good curry, and this sounds and looks terrific, does Granny do special orders, lol. I also wanted to thank you for hosting this month’s IMBB, I know they are a lot of work to get together and I really appreciate you doing this, especially since you are not feeling well. My entry is posted and here’s the permalink:

    Feel better soon and thanks Wena, hugs to you and Granny.

  2. Hi Wena, just wanted to say that the first anonymous post was by me. Too lazy to sign up with the comments system.


  3. Never tasted this dish, but sure would like to try it. How much of pineapple and salted fish to put in, ah?

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