: : IMBB No. 5 ~ The Catch of the Day : :
Updates : Shame on you Wena! You forgot Pim!!! Oopss… I knew it was going to happen. Accidently forgetting to put someone in. Pim make a great tasting fish à ma façon. I absolutely love the grill holder. Yum!
It has been an extremely fishy-themed Sunday alright. There were so many entries with different varieties of fish. We even had one that posted more than one dish! Woo hoo!
Claudine was the first person to submit her entry. It was a beautiful Bouillabaise. I love the mussels and am suffering from cravings as we speak.
Next, Pieman jump into the fire, preparing an amazing Vietnamese dish called Chao Luon using eel! It looks like a very tasty porridge. I’ll never look at eel in the same way again.
Running along, we’re off to New Zealand where against a backdrop of beautiful scenery, we have Christine making a beautiful meal out of fresh salmon and potato wedges. The pink skin wedges look so pretty!
Husky submitted an entry from his archives but it still counts. The fish was steamed and it look to be Teochew style which is one of the various Chinese cooking styles. Woof woof!
Umami took us down her memory lane with her Chan Che’s Sardine Mee Hoon. Simply but for sure delicious, childhood dishes does bring one back to days of old.
I love Elise’s Fish Tacos! Taco taco taco! And this time, with great tasting fish fillets! Ooh! I’m drooling here.
Coming to the Cuisine Capers, Irene made a marvelous meal with Tilapia cooked with Bulgar and Chickpeas. So nice! So tempting! And I adore chickpeas!
Clotilde and I had the same theme : fruits and fish! Both ingredients start with the letter F and both came out so nice. I like to try her Tropical Fish and Nectarine Skewers one day. Now, the only thing to do is find a way to pack myself off to France for a meal!
Mik is participating for the fish time and I must say, her entry is so nice. Wok-smoked pomfret is something different and the tea leaves are an interesting addition.
By now, you can tell we are obsessed with IMBB! Hee hee… Taking about obsession, Derrick made a wonderful meal out of salmon. I’m so jealous that he got fresh salmon. It’s so hard to find it over here! Unfortunately, I couldn’t seem to get into his website tonite although I did managed to catch a glimpse of it at work. Believe me, it was nice.
It was so nice of Pascale to blog in English for her IMBB submission. Tantalizing Tuna cooked with herbs and slow roasted tomato. Definitely looks like something from a restaurant and being French, it came out so classy. The cherry tomatoes came out simply superb.
Petra from Germany also blog in English for her entry. Her dish was a Brazilian meal called Moqueca Baiana de Peixe. I wanted to stretch a spoon over my computer screen and dig into the fish stew.
From complicated dishes to simple yet firm favourites, Lynda has reminded us all how tempting Tuna Toasties can be. Also, poor G has to put up with it. Hee hee!
Donna submitted an interesting dish called Candied Salmon. Wow! I was impressed by the entry. Imagine sweetening up the salmon. Yummy!
Being passionate about cooking, Johanna came up with Sesame-crusted tuna carpaccio with cucumber-mooli salad. Oh oh oh! Drool drool drool! Suffer suffer suffer!
We’re not done yet! Still have some more dishes to go through!
Now, next on the list is a classic from England. Jennifer has reminded all of us how tasty fish and chips can actually be. This domestic goddess is amazing.
From crumbs, Theresa came up with a magnificent meal titled Sunny-side of the Street Fried Sea Bass with Mango Shrimp Salad. Oohh! The mango would go so well with the fish.
Mummy Deb has also taken some time from looking after Ellie to make this fish dish : Moroccan Fish Tagine With Peppers And Olives. If only little Ellie could taste this, she would be loving it as well.
Surprise surprise! We have another fish taco submission! Charlotte gives another version of making it. Can’t wait for her camera to arrive and we will see it one fine fine day, I’m pretty sure of that.
Now, from Mr. IMBB himself, Alberto came up with scrumptious Stuffed Squid, Neopolitan style! I love it! It’s so interesting and I do so love eating squid.
Foodgoat and Ladygoat were grilling some fish for their IMBB submission. Grilled tuna is a firm favourite. Argh! I’m getting hungry at 10 pm at night!
Carlo never fails to disappoint and this time, he has made another Italian dish. Moscardini is made from baby octopus. Ooh! Yummy! The Japanese will love this.
Redfusion massacared poor Sam the fish! Hee hee! Just kidding. Can’t believe he name the fish Sam. Not sure what the name of the dish is but definitely a lot of Cuban style cooking and thinking went into this fish meal.
Rachelita2 has cooked up some shrimps which she got from the supermarket. Boy, are tey huge! The shrimps that is. The dish is called Ziti with Spicy Peanut Shrimp. How on earth am I going to sleep tonight without tasting this?
Jeremy said that he cheated but he provided quite a number of fish-themed dishes. Wow! It’s great, I tell ya. Nice, tasty and all so tempting!
The Red Emperor was caught in Anthony’s net and ended up on the dinner table. It went into the Red Emperor Nabe with a 3 Fish Ceviche. Anthony, your guests were the lucky ones! And I’m the one stuck here with only pictures to drool over. :p
Josh from the Food Section in NY has made a wonderful Blini With Gravlax and Creme Fraiche. Finger snacks. Hor d’oeuvres. Starters. Appetizers. All names to describe small, edible food to start off a wonderful meal.
The Accidental Hedonist a.k.a. Kate has prepared a delicious fish meal of sea bass over tomato rosemary pasta. Ooh baby! Come to mama! Hee hee…
From Seattle, we have Bon Vivant making a great Tarragon Honey Copper River Salmon En Papillote. It was amazing! Cooked in a wrapping, I can imagine the juices soaking up all the seasonings and complimenting the fish.
Meg from Too Many Chefs has prepared a great Lox and Pasta. I love what she did with the salmon and pasta. Looks simple and easy to do. If only I was not dieting at the moment, I’d enjoy eating the pasta with slices of salmon.
Reid has prepared an interesting Misoyaki Butterfish. It looks wonderful and something definitely worthwhile to try out.
As for me, Granny made a simple, yet favourite, Pineapple Curry with Prawns and Salted Fish. Comfort food alright.
To end it all, I’m going to post up a submission by Sherry Chermak on making Salmon with Greens.

Salmon with Greens
2 skinned salmon fillets
1 clove garlic, finely minced
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 cups roughly chopped bok choy, with stalks separated from leaves
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
grated ginger root to taste
pepper to taste
Cook salmon in a nonstick pan or griddle over medium heat, until just cooked through, and remove to a warm plate.
In a heavy skillet over medium heat, cook garlic in the oil for about one minute. Add the bok chow stalks, stir for barely a minute and
cover the pan with a lid and cook for barely 5 minutes over medium heat. Remove lid and add the bok chow leaves, soy sauce, and grated
ginger root to taste, and let it cook for another 2-3 minutes until the leaves wilt. Remove from heat and add the sesame oil.
Pile the greens on plates along with the salmon. Add pepper to taste.
Bon Appetit everyone! The next IMBB may be just around the corner. Should be interesting to see what everyone is preparing next.