: : A little bit of dough plastic: :
Finally! PayPal accepts now monetary transfers to Malaysia. Took some time, mind you, considering that they blacklisted Malaysia since last year.
If you feel like using that little bit of plastic i.e. credit card, in helping to maintain this site, please click on the button.
Thanks for your support all these while!
: : A little bit of dough plastic: :
Finally! PayPal accepts now monetary transfers to Malaysia. Took some time, mind you, considering that they blacklisted Malaysia since last year.
If you feel like using that little bit of plastic i.e. credit card, in helping to maintain this site, please click on the button.
Thanks for your support all these while!
: : Takeaway Laksa : :
In Malaysia, we do not have those fancy takeaway cartons found in the USA. This is how a takeway laksa looks like all bundled up.

Cheap plastic packaging.
Pros : light and easy to carry as a little string is wrapped around it and acts as a holder.
Cons : You know what will happen if the bag breaks. Cleaning up laksa soup is no joke.

But! Once open and served properly, still looks like the real thing no?
There can never been enough laksa pictures on mum-mum.
Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.