: : Food, Wine & Music : :
Ok, not exactly a posh meal but it was a great way to unwind and just hang out with some colleagues. Also, I got to try out my new camera handphone, the Sony Ericsson W800i. The original size is 1632 x 1224 pixels, resized and edited to 400 pixel width. I’m impressed with the picture quality although an image stabilizer would have helped. Some pictures could not be used because it was too blur.
Oh, the restaurant was Koreana Restaurant in front of Hilton Hotel. The best korean restaurant in Kuching so far. Great for a private function with Karaoke sets for those who want to be happy and merry.

An innocent little teapot? Although, the little shot glass isn’t as innocent. We all had some Korean shoju after a tough day at work.
Korean Colleague #1 : Korean tradition is 1st glass, MUST finish all.
Wena : Must ah?
Korean Colleague #2 : Aaahhhh sh*t, Yes yes.
Note : Korean colleague #2 usually says sh*t as shhhhyyyy i.e. as long as it’s not actually spoken, he’s not cursing. Hee hee

And surprisingly, the major ingredient was cucumber pieces in the shoju. Somehow, it got rid of the bitter aftertaste completely. Reminds me of how Pimms is served with cucumber sticks. Yum.

Korean Colleague #2 : You know, ah. Korean scientist do research on SARS (disease). North Korea and South Korea no infection. Why? Because we all eat kimchi!
Kimchi, the fermented and spicy pickled salad similar to the German sauekraut. Never did find out whether he was serious or not.

However, just to be safe, he ordered Kimchi Soup too!!

And, with any Korean meal, we had grilled beef and bacon ala hotplate. It even has a small outlet for drip oil.

With loads of chilli flavour veggies all around. That never changes. The Koreans have cast iron stomachs.
And we all got back home before midnite!