And every Winter Solstice, it’s time to eat some Ngee/Yuanxiao. Granny always adds in a few slices of ginger to spice things up. Yummy 🙂
Recipe : http://chineseculture.about.com/library/weekly/aa020998.htm
More information : http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/Festivals/78320.htm
p.s. Couldn’t resist at least one food posting before flying off.
Hi all! A quick reminder that Saturday 24 Dec is the last day for the Christmas Raffle Draw for the Charity for the Pakistan/India Earthquake Victims organized by Pim.
Here’s an overview of the entire raffle donations in pictures. 85 goodies to be won.
If you’d like to give someone an interesting give, how about a raffle ticket for a nice gift delivered to that person? That’s what some folks have started doing.
The tally has hit over USD11,000 (RM41,800) already.
Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.