Ok, it looks like the comments hell spam is over for awhile. I can’t believe just a simple word like “sale” and “sell” is enough to attract the Russian bots and pill-ad-pushers into the blog.
In any event, all comments are closed after a week. If you wish to post, probably best to rush it within 7 days of the last blog post. Else, there’s no chance.
At the moment, I’m evaluating moving out from under the care of Mr. Tucks and into a dedicate account. Need to check up on a few things and then start planning.
At least now the ads are working. Hopefully it’s not too intrusive.
Projects at hand are an eBook as well as various other stuff to do. Work work work…
It has been a long and busy year filled with ups and downs. So I wanted to share with you the fruits of my labour. And goodness, it was labourious.
Tada! The next update would be Christmas Party dinners, I should think. 🙂

Oh, one thing about comments. It’s a total mess at the moment because of the amount of spam that is coming through. Until Mr. Tucks is back from holidays, I don’t think there would be any change to the situation. So if I had accidentally deleted your comment or didn’t let it through, it’s because of the other 1,000+ spam comments. Can’t believe that Russians buy a lot of stuff just by reading spam online.
Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.