All posts by wena

One fine day in 2003, I decided to start a food blog to tease my sister and my mother who were both living in the USA. Somehow, along the way, I ended up feeding a lot of people just via the food pictures that I put up everyday. In 2005, I decided to take a break from blogging and just take it easy. So there were sporadic posts from my travels in the US as well as Germany and England. Now in 2009, I'm trying to pick it up again and start chronicaling my journey towards a better lifestyle that is more healthy than what it currently is right now.

: : Kuching Fest Part VIII : :

Wena : Cannot tahanlah! (Cannot stand it!) I’m going to Kuching Fest again. Wanna go?

Granny : (perking up) Okay lah!

Hakka Pancake

Wena : This is nice. Let’s get it.

Granny : Sure or not?

Hawker : Auntie lai! (come!) Try some.

Granny : (munching) Hmm…. good ah! Okay, I want some.

Hakka Lui Cha

Granny : I’m going to have some lui cha. Need to clean (cleanse) my body lah.

Wena : Should be good.

Granny : Yeah but soup VERY BITTER! 🙁 Still, good good for body mah.

Salmon Fried Rice

Granny : Kuku (Uncle Cyril) want fried rice one.

Wena : Okay. How about this one? Can we try?

Hawker : Sure. Here.

Granny : (munching) Hmm… nice. Okay, tapau (takeaway) one order ah.

Tom Yam Soup

Wena : Wanna take back some? They just make new pot woh!

Granny : What’s inside?

Wena : Seafood, mushroom, fish.

Granny : Wah! RM2 per bowl only ah? Okay, we take one.

We only got back home to eat dinner at 8 p.m. Worth the wait. 🙂 Then again, Granny got distracted with all the garden plants. Got herself a RM6 miniature mandarin orange plant. Dirt cheap if you ask me.

: : Fish Bladder Anyone? : :

Wena : Pat, am going home on sick leave. Backache.

Pat : Aw… well, want to have a taste of hu piou soup first?

It looked so good but didn’t have the heart to taste some. The stainless steel set brings back memories to everyone eh? 🙂

I’d always thought that hu piou was fish bladder but a friend argued back and said that it was a fish stomach. Dad could be wrong when he first told me about it. It’s the light brown sponge-looking thinking in the picture. How does it tastes? Stretchy but not tough. Very soft. Not rubbery at all. Yum! Expensive though. Pat’s Mum made it for dinner last night and these were the leftovers.

As for backache, resultant of the two trips to Kuching Fest over the weekend. Think I was carrying 10-15kg during each trip, mostly due to the numerous leng chee kang and tau foo far that we bought. Granny was on a roll!

: : Ain’t it a Corny Day? : :

Granny : Want to take some jagung (corn) to work?

Granny bought some corn on Sunday morning and decided to steam it this morning. So, took two ears (still dunno why a piece of corn is called an EAR of corn) to work. One for breakfast and one for tea-time. Luckily I keep dental floss at the office! All the pieces in one’s teeth. It was very sweet on it’s own, without any butter on it.

: : Mooncake Festival : :

Yep, it’s just around the corner. And I’ve already started eating them. :p

Vt : Here, have some mooncake. Red Bean Paste filling though.

Wena : It’s okay. Will eat with Granny.

This particular mooncake is bought from a shop in Jalan Pandungan called Chin Hiang Chay. It sells a lot of other mooncake with different fillings. I love the plain lotus seed paste wherease my Granny luvs the lotus seed with the egg yolk in the middle. Then there are the fillings with the nuts inside and pandan paste. Unfortunately, this shop makes the mooncake using lard (pig’s fat) so definitely non-halal. However, the local bakeries are selling halal mooncake. Else, you can always order online from Lian Bee. :p

Then again, I’ve yet to try out the ice-cream mooncake at Haagen Daaz! That would be SO SINFUL!

: : Mouseclick = Food Donation : :

Why not do it today? I did.

It’s always saddening to hear how a lot of people out there don’t have enough food for even one meal. And here I am with Granny spending RM50 for every trip we go to Kuching Fest to get food for the 3 of us living here (including Uncle Cyril).

So, do a good deed today and click! Link is on the Slices sidebar just below the counter. One click and you have donated some food to a poor child somewhere in the world. It takes a lot of money just to transport the food over.

Hmm… someone should consider doing it in Malaysia! If not food, then medication and hospitalization fees. What say you?

: : Kuching Fest Part VII : :

It was a dark and stormy night. The skies were dark. It all started like this…

Opening Act

Granny : Wah! Sky dark lah! Better go now! Else basah (wet) at Kuching Fest!

Wena : No lah! Still early! Only 5 pm. No stall buka (open) now lah.

Granny : *Sigh* Okay. Go at 5:30 pm okie? Can can?

Wena : Yes. No worries. 🙂 You know what you want?

Granny : Ya ya! I wanna try giant u char kueh, thai bee hoon again, chee cheong fan!

Wena : 🙂 . Okay then. I’ll bring basket this time. Easier to carry.

Granny : Ya! Must bring one lor!

Act I : Chee Cheong Fan

Prawn Chee Cheong Fan

Granny : Wah! Look so small lah!

Hawker : Auntie ah! Wan to order or not?

Granny : Yah. Two chicken and two prawn one ah. Long time to cook or not?

Wena : Errr… sounds like too much.

Granny : No lah! See? So small one! Can finish!

Wena : Hmm…. sure or not?

Granny : Aiya! If cannot finish, eat tomorrow loh! 😉

(Postnote : We could not finish half of it! Did not put up the pic of the chicken chee cheong fan as it look so horrible when we put it on the plate. Not photogenic at all! :p)

Act II : Satay

Wena : You sure you want to eat satay again?

Granny : Yah lah! Yesterday only eat 3 pieces!

Wena : Okay. If you say so.

(Postnote : She only ate two pieces tonight. ;p)

Act III : Thai Bee Hoon

Granny : Yay! Can eat eat spicy one.

(Postnote : She finished half the portion by herself.)

Act IV : Giant U Char Kueh

Granny : Where is the u char kueh stall ah? Cannot see one!

Wena : Over there lah!

Granny : *Squints* Ah! Okay! We buy 3 pieces ah! One each : you, me, Ah Leng Kuku (Uncle Cyril).

Wena : Okay. Bit expensive lor. 3 pcs for RM2?

Granny : Try try once mah!

(Postnote : It was worth it. The pic show the U Char Kueh cut into half. Very crispy and fluffy. Pity no chuk (porridge) to eat it with.)

Act V : Life Cafe Spicy Noodles

Wena : I’m going to have some. (3rd time already!)

Granny : Okay. Make sure spicy oh.

(Postnote : She had half of it. TO HERSELF! :p)

Act VI : The Heavens Open Up

Granny : Aiyo! Raining lah!

Wena : Go back home lah! Not so bad yet!


The two Chinese ladies, one old and the other one young, managed to get back to their vehicle. Completely drenched in fresh and rainy water, they made their way back home for hot showers. To end such a memorable weekend, they tuck into a delicious spread of food. Granny is happy for another year.