All posts by wena

One fine day in 2003, I decided to start a food blog to tease my sister and my mother who were both living in the USA. Somehow, along the way, I ended up feeding a lot of people just via the food pictures that I put up everyday. In 2005, I decided to take a break from blogging and just take it easy. So there were sporadic posts from my travels in the US as well as Germany and England. Now in 2009, I'm trying to pick it up again and start chronicaling my journey towards a better lifestyle that is more healthy than what it currently is right now.

: : Kuching Fest Part II : :

Continuation of Kuching Fest Part I. Probably will be postings on Part III and Part IV as there are 30+ pics altogether!

Great snack. One of my favourite Indian junk food. Put it this way, after eating more than 20 years of Chinese food, wouldn’t you also want some variety? Everyone in Kuching knows the little Indian lady selling this at the shoplot in Kenyalang Park. She has been there for ages!

Bamboo shoots cooked in coconut milk and chilli. A local favourite here. Instead of bamboo shoots, can also use palm shoots. Now that is easier to cook as it is already soft. With bamboo shoot, one has to boil the bamboo in coconut milk until it’s soft. To speed up the softening process, slice the bamboo shoot into thin slices.

I’m sure you cannot get this in West Malaysia. :p The vegetable are the wild tapioca leaves that have been pounded and later stir-fried with garlic. My weakness. Can eat this with rice. Also a great favourite amongst kids. Probably because it’s slightly sweet and not bitter. However, before frying it, the leaves need to be boil to remove the poisonous sap.

A pic of the local rice wine made by the Ibans. Cheap, ain’t it? I like the taste which is something like white wine. It’s not as smooth as sake but it really depends. Quality depends on the manufacturer. :p If it’s very sweet, have to be careful not to drink too much. Tuak (native rice wine) doesn’t hit you until a few hours later. During an Iban wedding, guests are invited to drink upon arrival. However, they are ask to drink a lot! A long line of old ladies will be asking you to drink before you’re allowed to sit down! Respect man! In a longhouse during Gawai (harvest festival), you would have to drink at all the family rooms and there are usually 20 families living in a longhouse if not more!

Steamed pau @ white fluffy buns. Didn’t buy any as there were so many other interesting food to try out. Looks yummy though. All sorts of fillings : char siew (red pork), tau sa (red bean – very sweet), pandan paste, chicken. Better to ask what is the filling before buying it.

Dim sum! But, unfortunately, Kuching has lousy ones. Urgh! I still prefer the ones back home in Miri and at Sri Petaling, KL. For the Muslims, I think the Concorde Hotel in Shah Alam has some halal version. Another cousin (I have over 30 of them) mentioned the ones there are pretty good. Have never tried it myself. If it’s not good, you can always drop a comment below! :p

Well, that’s it for now!

Enjoy drooling! hee hee hee

*wicked grin*

: : Granny’s Humour : :

She is wicked.

I went back to Kuching Fest to buy her some spicy SzeChuan noodles from the Life Cafe Booth. Uncle Cyril has stomach problems if he takes anything spicy.

Got back home from Kuching Fest

Granny : Wah! 2 packets of spicy mee ah?

Wena : Yep. You and me kongsi (share) one packet and Kuku (Uncle) has the other one lor.

Granny : Maybe he dun wan. Sometimes he don’t like taste. I one and you one lor.

Wena : Errr… a lot u know. Can finish or not?

Granny : If nice, of course can finish lah!

Granny starts eating the mee with yesterday’s Korean Kimchi.

Granny : Wah! Pedas (spicy)! Nice leh.

Uncle Cyril wakes up.

Granny : Eh! Come try this mee. Bit spicy but nice. Try try!

Uncle Cyril : Okay lah. (Eats for awhile). Nice. Hmm… bit spicy.

Granny : Yay but nice. But think tomorrow I need to goto toilet a lot!

Uncle Cyril : ONLY NOW you say. Celaka (shit) …

: : Morning : :

Woke up to see a cake and majik.

A birthday bash for all people whose birthday falls on August 1 and 2. Wonder what time it took place? Drove by yesterday at around 1 p.m. and didn’t see anything there except for the stage and awnings. Amazed that the icing didn’t melt in all the heat yesterday.

Gracie’s photostories are very interesting. Am now reading through it all. Corbis, anyone? Bill Gates is bloody rich with that site. Anyway, viva la Gracie… Is majik going to run away with the dish and the spoon with the cow jumping over the moon?

: : Dinner : :

A bit of a Korean theme tonight. 🙂

Korean Instant Noodles : Kimchi Flavour


Korean Instant Noodles : Kimchi Flavour

Kimchi flavour instant noodles. One of the best things that one can find in a supermarket. hot hot hot! better than Maggi’s Tom Yam Flavoured noodles. Man, it packs a wallop!


Bought two types of Kimchi (Korean version of acar @ preserved vegetables) from the Annual Hilton Charity Bazaar. The Koreana Restaurant opposite the hotel was selling them.

Bak choi with chilli. Believe me, this is seriously spicy. Couldn’t take more than a few. Same with Granny. She started to speculate how to do it. Hmm… have to check with my Korean collegues on how to do it. Must pry the recipe from them. This tub will probably last us for a week!

Seaweed version but without the chilli. They added in sesame seed and some cucumber. Too fishy for Granny but nice for me. Goes well with the noodles.

Address of the restaurant. Note that it is NON-HALAL because they serve pork there.

I don’t think there is a HALAL korean restaurant in Kuching. However, Seoul Garden at 3rd Mile does not cook pork at all and I think they have a license. Am not sure. Have to check it out one day. The kimchi in Seoul Garden isn’t as hot as the one at Koreana but the husband and wife team are extremely friendly. They will go out of their way to get the food you like. One of the times I was there, they went looking for fish to cook a meal for us even though it wasn’t on the menu! Nice couple. Also, cheaper than Koreana.

There is another Korean restaurant in town called Dae Ba Ru. Haven’t gone there yet but heard that prices are STEEP. Hmm… will think about it. Little Lebanon comes first!

: : Change of Address : :

Well, it’s *partially* done but have moved most of the important stuff now.

New address for mum-mum’s is

Bit slow bandwidth but it’s FREE! Thanks to Mr. T! Note that the Blog*Spot url will be closed in the next few weeks.

This doesn’t include migration to MT, yet. Another headache. Well, I’m being optimistic. Imagine having to transfer for 12 months worth of pics and archives. *SHUDDER*

Food posts will go up later tonight!


: : Kuching Fest Part I : :

As promised, some of the pics from the Kuching Food Fest.

BBQ Chicken

Ahhhhh! The smell of BBQ chicken wings. Didn’t take any. Saving for other foodie goodies. A point of interest : Sugarbun and KFC always put up a booth for fast food. But not as popular as the other stalls. Prices too expensive mah!

Bamboo Chicken

Surprise? An Iban delicacy and one of my favourites. However, didn’t buy the meal because it’s pretty hard to finish one bamboo-filled-with-chicken between 2 people.


Definitely a favourite among all. Quick snack or a meal in itself, it’s a feast for all! And I just luv the baby squid. Yum! Fattening though. Fried stuff. Even offers Bishop’s Noses! LOL! Translation : the chicken’s butt! I don’t like it but other Asians do.

Well, that’s enough for today. Part II would hopefully be up tomorrow at a new url.

Watch this space tomorrow night.