All posts by wena

One fine day in 2003, I decided to start a food blog to tease my sister and my mother who were both living in the USA. Somehow, along the way, I ended up feeding a lot of people just via the food pictures that I put up everyday. In 2005, I decided to take a break from blogging and just take it easy. So there were sporadic posts from my travels in the US as well as Germany and England. Now in 2009, I'm trying to pick it up again and start chronicaling my journey towards a better lifestyle that is more healthy than what it currently is right now.

: : Getting Full : :

No, it’s not me but rather the account I’m having at Blog*Spot.

Why Blog*Spot? Well, when I first started blogging, I didn’t know much about hosts and how cheap it was. Now, am 2 months and 300 pics older and wiser. Then again, it helps to have a generous cousin who was willing to host mum-mum. 🙂

So, will only post one last blog later on tonite. Will be busy this weekend transferring the files.

Don’t panic. Repeat : DON’T PANIC!

mum-mum is not going away, just moving to a new home.

Hopefully, will be up by tomorrow afternoon.


: : Kuching Fest Food Carnival : :

Sorry guys but came back late tonite. No pics today of the fest.

Could only post a few pictures of little Lebanon.

However, if you want to check out what is offered in the stalls, took two pics of the stall notices.

Pic below is the view of Little Lebanon.

: : Little Lebanon, Renovated Courthouse : :

Pam : Are all security guards this friendly? Helping you to park your car and opening your door to get out?

Before anyone starts wondering who Wena really is, she owns a very humble green Proton Iswara and not a flashy Merz. I took Pam (who is from KL) to the Kuching Fest where all the food stalls were. We also walk quite a fair bit around the area. Also, check out two Honda models : Jazz and City. Very nice. Better stop before I digress further.

After the Kuching Fest, we drove to the newly renovated courthouse to have tea and dessert at a new restaurant called Little Lebanon. A Lebanase themed restaurant, it was recently opened to the public on Wednesday, in conjuction with the opening of the courthouse. As we drove in, the security guard guided us into the parking lot. I think he was more worried about us banging a YB’s Mercz than for my car getting scratched. Still, he graciously opened my door to help me out and chit chatted with us for awhile. Pam was most impressed. Then again, she is most impressed that I can get the waitresses and waiters wrapped around my finger. :p It’s called being charming AND courteous. :p

I actually took photos of the menu but as the waiters and waitresses starting gesturing wildly, I pretended to take a picture of Pam instead. Phew! Close call. Anyway, the pics didn’t come up well so doesn’t matter.

We ordered some Arab sweets. No turkish delight though, thank goodness. Those sweets are extremely sweet! We had something else equally sweet but not so sweet. The green stuff are pistachios, I think. Didn’t get the names of these sweets. Too tired to ask so much from the waitress and poor thing look so nervous. New to the job.

Anyway, that’s it for tonite. Address for the restaurant:

Little Lebanon

Middle Eastern Cuisine

1st Floor, Japanese Building,

Old Court House, Jalan Barrack,

Sarawak Tourism Complex,

93100 Kuching, Sarawak,


Tel : 082 – 247 523

Closed on Mondays

Lunch : 11.30 am – 3.00 pm

Dinner : 6.30 pm – 10.30 pm


: : A toast : :

Abbreviated conversation during Carvery dinner last Friday. Forgot to blog it down until today. Two chaps.

After-effects of Ballintine Whiskey aged 12 years :

[K1] : I propose a toast to Wena’s website… what is it again?

[K2] : mum-mum dot blogspot dot com.

[K1] : yes yes…let’s proposed a toast to mum dot blot dot…

[K2] : eh! it’s Mum-Mum Dot Blog Spot Dot Com.

[K1] : say that again?


[K1] : blot? B-L-O-T?

[K2] : no no no, it’s B-L-O-G.

[K1] : okay okay. A TOAST TO WENA’S MUM-MUM…err…

[K2] : DOT

[K1] : dot


[K1] : blog SPOT!

[K2] : dot com

[K1] : dot COM!

All I can say is SALUT! Talk about a stand-up comedian. :p

: : Chilli Peppers, King Centre : :

Khai’s last day today. 🙁 There goes one fun guy. So, went to lunch at everybody’s favourite place. AGAIN.

Menu of the day :

Air Kundur (Wintermelon Drink)

Barley Lemon

Roasted Chicken Rice

Tomato Kway Teow

Air Kundur (Wintermelon Drink)

Wintermelon juice is such a cooling drink. One of the ‘cold’ drinks around. Great when wanting to cool down the body after such a hot hot day.

Barley Lemon

What can I say? Picture speaks for itself. Another ‘cold’ drink. Delicious.

Roasted Chicken Rice

Tasty, yummy AND halal. ;p

Tomato Kway Teow

Another version of tomato kway teow. This time, more orange. Great taste too! There goes my Atkins diet. Sigh.

Can’t find a single thing wrong about Chilli’s. Always tasty. Always a WIDE variety of food.

Posting kinda short today because just got back late from Kuching Food Fest. 🙂 Pics are going out tomorrow. Extremely long blog for sure. :p

: : Chilli Peppers, King Centre : :

Usual lunch spot. BUT!! They’re good, especially for my Malay pal, Harris! Halal and tasty Chinese food.

Started on my artistic-photo-taking now. Let’s see, what was interesting today…

Ais Kacang Campur

Mee Jawa

Sarawak Laksa

Ais Kacang Campur

Ais Kacang Campur

I’ve never seen such thick santan (coconut milk) before, in ais kacang that is. Was tempted to order one as well. Seriously tempted. If you look closely, you can see the red beans, cincau (black glass jelly) and cendol (green green jelly that looks like worms but taste mmmm…). Anyway, let’s not digress but move along to the next meal.

Mee Jawa

Mee Jawa

Looks good. Looks D*MN GOOD! Should have ask for a teeny wenny try bite for mum-mum.

Sarawak Laksa

Sarawak Laksa

Not as good as my Dad’s. Jas, you are one lucky woman to have Dad cook for you tonight!! Am so green. 🙁

That’s it. Chilli Pepper’s? King’s Centre, next to Systematic College. Can’t miss that original big big sign in this big big world.