All posts by wena

One fine day in 2003, I decided to start a food blog to tease my sister and my mother who were both living in the USA. Somehow, along the way, I ended up feeding a lot of people just via the food pictures that I put up everyday. In 2005, I decided to take a break from blogging and just take it easy. So there were sporadic posts from my travels in the US as well as Germany and England. Now in 2009, I'm trying to pick it up again and start chronicaling my journey towards a better lifestyle that is more healthy than what it currently is right now.

: : Kuching Fest : :

Found that someone has decided to create a blog for the entire Kuching Fest 2003.

Only one posting though.

But am sure more will follow suit.

Get the feeling that it’s an old friend (a chance encounter during the Carvery session) is doing it. True or not, Mr. P. Wong? :p Anyway, I’m hoping to see PICTURES!

On another note, to view the orchid pictures that, you’ll need to signed up with them. It’s an inconvenience to everyone but tell me where you can still put up more than 1GB of pics without having to pay for it? Would be interested to find out.

Also, here is another interesting link about Kuching : Kuching Quick Guide. Prepared by Philipp Lassen from Germany who was here for awhile. Some nice pics of Kuching as well. I’m sure Mr. Ooi will start feeling more nostalgic. :p

: : Granny’s Cooking : :

After a hectic Monday, Granny had a nice surprice waiting at home. Try guessing what it is.


Makes you wonder whether you’re seeing the right things. Is it beef with prawn? Here is the full pic.

Pineapple Curry with Salted Fish and Prawn

It’s pineapple curry with salted fish and prawn. Granny make the salted fish herself from fish caught by Uncle Cyril. When the salted fish is cook this way, it is no longer salted so can be eaten like normal fish. The taste? Well, curry flavoured, of course, with a taste of sweetness and sourness. Not salted at all. Mmmmmm….

: : Photo Album : :

Photo album of a demented ‘tourist’ let loose in a Garden Fair.

Here are the remaining pics from the trip to the MBKS Garden. Am still searching around for a place to dump this pics online in case anyone wants to download it. Only problem is storage : 60 MB required. Yep, picture size is big.

If anyone wants a resized picture for their desktop, drop me your email with your desktop settings in the comment box below (No Speak / Speak) and will email out the relevant picture to you, resized to those settings. Or drop me an email at .

: : Garden Fair : :

The first mum-mum posting without food. Shocking, ain’t it? The flowers were too pretty to NOT post.

Went with Granny to the Kuching Garden Fair at the MBKS (Majlis Perbandaran Kuching Selatan / Kuching South Municipal Council) park. We went around 4 p.m so most of the stalls weren’t open yet except for the place where the orchids were being sold. Anyway, here are some of the pics taken at the orchid stalls as well as some of the garden flowers.

The Garden Fair is part of the monthly long Kuching Fest held annually to commerate Kuching City Day. There is also a Food Fest but the stalls weren’t open yet. Maybe next weekend, will pop by and search for some bamboo chicken. 🙂

: : King of Fruits : :

Dedicated to my mother in Michigan, USA.

King of Fruits

Thank goodness there is only one phoneline in this house. Else she’ll be calling me up to scream down my ear. :p

Picture was taken at Choice Daily Supermarket, Tabuan Laru. Durians are from Thailand, the ones that do not give out such an offensive stink.

And yes, I do not eat them. Oh well. No accounting for taste, right? :p

Granny used to have a Siamese cat called Kiti which loves to eat durian. Used to eat 2-3 entire pods by herself! Same goes for Granny. CHOLESTEROL!

[ Postnote : Correction here. Not cholesterol. Didn’t know that anything GROWN from the ground doesn’t have cholesterol. As pointed out by kbpmy.]