All posts by wena

One fine day in 2003, I decided to start a food blog to tease my sister and my mother who were both living in the USA. Somehow, along the way, I ended up feeding a lot of people just via the food pictures that I put up everyday. In 2005, I decided to take a break from blogging and just take it easy. So there were sporadic posts from my travels in the US as well as Germany and England. Now in 2009, I'm trying to pick it up again and start chronicaling my journey towards a better lifestyle that is more healthy than what it currently is right now.

: : Snacks : :

Lunch today was a quick bite from the cafeteria. All time popular kuih : CURRY PUFF.

Curry Puff

This is truly amazing stuff. I’m sure all Malaysians will vouched for the tastiness of this particular kuih. I think this version was baked in an oven because it’s not the usual pastry. The pastry is the Western version but it sure goes great with the mashed potato filling. The filling is mashed potatoe mixed with curry powder. It’s extremely smooth. Where to get this? UNIMAS (UNiversiti MAlaysia Sarawak) : at the cafeteria.

To go with the Curry Puff, I bought an Asian canned drink favourite : soya bean milk! Not the fresh one unfortunately. Got the Yeo’s version but it’s equally as good. Note that at the time I posted this, Yeo’s website was down. Don’t know why. Read somewhere that sales of soya bean milk worldwide exceeded sales of Coca-Cola! Think it was in the Star, NST or Sarawak Tribune but it was a long time ago. Oh well. Only problem is that bought soya bean milk has preservatives inside and one can taste it. After experiencing homemade soya bean at a friend’s place, I’m a changed person!

Soya Bean Milk

: : Granny : :

This is my Granny : Mistress of the Kitchen, Chef Magnifique, Wok Si Fu, Holder of the Golden Spatula.

Granny dearest

She’s cutting some spinach for dinner later tonight. Can hear my sis screaming, “Sis, you suck bigtime!!!” Stir-fried spinach is her fav. Yep, a regular Miss Popeye, Malaysian version. Hey, you had lobster, missy. Stop whining. :p

The spinach we get in Malaysia is slightly different from the ones found overseas. Don’t know what is the species, I just eat it. Not exactly my favourite but it does taste better with belachan (prawn paste).

: : BBQ Toy for Boys : :

Geez! What will they think of next? Although, I heard that there is actually one in Kuching!! They got it made locally and were using it with charcoal.

I can hear the gears working in my Dad’s head right now. He loves BBQ and used to give a lot of them. His BBQ chicken recipe is awesome!! The chicken marinate is made from dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, sugar, pepper and chopped garlic (yep, G-A-R-L-I-C!). Mix all the ingredients into a bowl first. Then, rub it into the chicken wings and leave it in the fridge overnight.

Another one of his specialties is BBQ fish. This is very very simple to do. Clean the fish by removing the scales, gills and stomach. Rub some salt and peppers on the outside. Then, stick some lemon grass into the stomach. For lemon grass, only use the root and part of the stem. Throw away the leafy part. Remember to remove the first outer layer of the lemon grass as that it is dirty. Wrapped the whole fish in aluminium foil. Then leave it on top of the wire rack on the BBQ pit. Make sure that the fire isn’t too hot else it’ll burn. Usually, we put the fish on the wire rack once the fire is providing medium heat i.e. does not cook the meat too fast. We usually leave it on the rack for 15-30 minutes. Can always open the foil to check if the fish is cook : be careful of the piping hot steam coming out. If not, just wrap it up again and put it back on the wire rack.

: : Fixing Permalinks : :

Oooppss! Need to get this fix pronto. Didn’t realise that there was a problem until steph pointed it out. Thanks!

Sigh. Disadvantage of using Blogger to update the blogs. Then again, I should know better. :p Talk about dead embarrasing.

: : Dinner : :

Know what? I completely forgot to take down the name of the Malay shop we ate dinner at!! Was such a tiring day today with too many meetings and rushing about organising an event.

Had a quick dinner before attending a rehearsal. BJ, UJ and myself had dinner at a nearby coffeeshop in Satok which is a predominant Malay area. It’s along the same row as Bank Utama but not in the same block. It’s about 3 blocks down. You can recognize the shop by the green lighting that is used.

Fried Rice Kampung Style

Fried Rice Kampung Style

Kampung Style usually means ikan billis (salted anchovies) are added in. Also, since it’s Malay Style, chopped chillies are added in. Couldn’t quite taste the chilli in this one but presentation was good. Except that my flash was too bright. Without the flash, pic was very green and I’m still not that good at editing the pics.

Ice Lemon Tea

Ice Lemon Tea

This tasted SOOOOO good after a long day at work. Thought it look pretty cute as well. A bit sweet though. Most Malay food tend to be a tad too sweet to me but that’s because I don’t quite have a sweet tooth.

There used to be a great Malay coffeeshop across the road from this one. Called Mat’s Cafe. But, they’ve moved to across river!! Sayang (pity). Sigh. Great tom yam soup, deep fried ikan manchung, porridge. Used to go there regularly and binged with others. Heck, he gets a lot of Chinese customers. The food is just awesome! Oh well.

Wanna see how who BJ, UJ and I are? Look for these feet. :p

BJ tuttie footie UJ dainty toes Wena the Witch out to make ppl HUNGRY!