All posts by wena

One fine day in 2003, I decided to start a food blog to tease my sister and my mother who were both living in the USA. Somehow, along the way, I ended up feeding a lot of people just via the food pictures that I put up everyday. In 2005, I decided to take a break from blogging and just take it easy. So there were sporadic posts from my travels in the US as well as Germany and England. Now in 2009, I'm trying to pick it up again and start chronicaling my journey towards a better lifestyle that is more healthy than what it currently is right now.

: : Kelabit Food Fix Part II : :

Parents came back from KL today and Sina’ went for dinner. So, it was me, Dad and Adrienne.

Dad : Let’s goto Fung Mung for a quick dinner.

Wena : (sad face in the PC room. Dad in the kitchen so can’t see.)

Adrienne : Sure. But can we stop by the laundromat in town? I need to pick up my laundry.

Dad : Sure. Since we’re in that part of town, let’s eat at Sultana then.

Wena and Adrienne does a silent happy dance in the PC room.

At the laundromat where Adrienne was out getting her laundry.

Dad : So, where have you guys been eating?

Wena : Errr…for the past 2 days, we’ve been eating at Sultana.

Dad : Aik! Then we can eat at somewhere else.

Wena : NO NO NO NO NO NO! Sultana is fine with us. We were trying to think of how to persuade you to bring us there. Hee hee…

So, three days in a row, it’s been dinner at Sultana. What can I say? The Nuba Laya @ Bario Rice is simply delicious. The good thing is that the Kikid @ Porridge and the veggie is rotated daily. So, it doesn’t get boring at all.

Bamboo shoots with some ginger/garlic, coconut milk and cut chillies.

Kikid @ Porridge but this time cooked with Cangkuk Manis. Delicious and healthy for people with heart problems.

And…..minced fish again! Wasn’t bad at all.

And, everyone went back happy!

: : Kelabit Food Fix : :

Yes! Finally a shop with Kelabit food. Sultana is a Cafe that provides Kelabit food and is located opposite Cherrie Berries in Miri. And I’ve been having dinner there for the past 2 days.

This is their signature meal set : the Nuba Laya Set. Served with authentic Bario Rice from Bario.

The minced fish. Delicious although, ok, so it’s fried. I think.

This is the Labo Belato @ Stir-Fried Wild Tapioca Leaves. Sticky ain’t it? That’s normal. And, just about every Kelabit child loves eating this vegetable dish.

And this is Smoked Meat. Could be wild boar. I’m not sure. Didn’t ask. Was too busy savouring the entire meal.

And yes, this is porridge, otherwise known as Kikid. Tasty and pleasant. This is the vegetarian version that we were served last night. Tonight, it was with mushroom and equally delicious.

And, the gem of the meal : the Nuba Laya @ Bario Rice wrapped in Leaves. Definitely no sharing. One packet per person.

How it looks like once it’s open. Ok, it’s not your typical rice presentation but it’s definitely soft and slightly sweetish. This is how they eat it in Bario.

Yum yum…

(I can hear someone salivating from Rotterdam and London)

: : Comfort Zone : :

I’ve arrived in Miri and am already in my comfort zone.

Plus, Dad received all the games I ordered last month so finding time to go through them. We have a guest in the house and she’s now with my PSP and Neopets Petpet Adventures. Cutish game but I get the feeling that it’ll be a monster treadmill again.

As for me, let’s just say that I got more than enough stuff to seriously keep me occupied for awhile. So online gaming would take the backbencher for awhile while I’m sorting out my games.

These days, I’m playing more on non-violent games. Easier to think and less planning / coordination works needed. I get more than enough of it at work that I don’t need it during my leisure time.

Cheerio folks! Some pictures up tomorrow. I forgot how seafood is cooked differently than in Kuching. And that it’s such a refreshing change.

: : Danger Alert! : :


Sensors have picked up high levels of addictive chocolate in the vincinity. Proceed with caution.

Deceptively small, these Hershey Kisses will make you crave for them more and more. Do not be deceived by their pretty wrappings. That little bit of paper sticking out will make you want to pull them open. Batten down the hatches to your mouth! Die your hands behind your back and high-tail it out of here!

Aik! In a sneak attack, a whole box of assorted Belgium chocolates blocks your path! They wave tempting chocholate bites in front of you. You see black and white chocolate swimming in front of your eyes. Your sensors detect hidden nuts and fillings inside some of the stealth chocs. In a desperate attempt, you take a running leap over the box and rush out to the exit!

SPLAT! You were tripped by another box of chocholates. Definitely the evil black and white chocolates are out to make you tempted to eat. However, you shall prevail! As you cover your eyes, relying on your sensors to help you find your way out of this sinister adventure, you race onwards. As you run away, sweet cute laughter are following you. The chocolates are diabolical and you get an awful feeling that they are planning to launch their secret weapon at you.

Suddenly, an exit appears in shining light. You race towards it, only to find a shadow. What is it now? Another chocolate? No, it’s the sakura biscuit, come to guide you back to the mothership!

And there is the mothership. As you plonk yourself down amongsts friends, you can’t help but wonder what else would the chocolates be up to. Falling gently asleep, you hear faint laughter in the distance. Is it all a dream or a beginning of a nightmare?

: : Throwing away inches : :

Ohhh….I love the measuring tape today.

I’ve shrunk down since the last week I measured myself :

Bust : zilch, nada, nothing. Urgh.
Waist : 1 inch!
Hips : 1.5 inches!
Thighs : 2 inches!
Updates! Weight loss : ~4 pounds!

Phew! For a moment there, I thought I wouldn’t be shrinking. Have to get my supervisor to give me my measurements that she measured during the first week.

This is the 3rd week into Wena’s 2006 Project of Losing Weight. It isn’t going to end until Christmas, I think. That’s how much I have to lose.

Have I cheated? Oh yes. Dinner at Bla Bla Bla on Thursday and 1/8 slice of a pizza yesterday.