Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Guidelines on preparing food

I just did a quick writeup of the food guidelines that I use currently when it comes to preparing food. It’s prettty simple and yet it took a lot of time to fine-tune it to the point that I could actually follow it easily and comfortably. It’s not easy to make the commitment and I dragged my feet so much before. ^.^

So have a good read and let me know your thoughts on it. If you ever need to check back on it, it’s on the menu bar at the very top.


My bookshelf

For 2009, I read a lot of books on getting my health together and learning more about high blood pressure as well as lifestyle effects on it.

So this is what is in my bookshelf. It’s not a lot of books listed as some are locally printed books from Malaysia.

In any case, do enjoy perusing it. 🙂 There is also a link to this store on the sidebar to the right. Just scroll down a wee bit and you should find it.