: : New Foodie on the Block : :
Pinkcocoa has joined our little foodie-goodie neighbourhood.
Check out her blog at PinkCocoa Tabetai.
: : New Foodie on the Block : :
Pinkcocoa has joined our little foodie-goodie neighbourhood.
Check out her blog at PinkCocoa Tabetai.
: : Mooncake Festival ~ Carpenter St. Part II : :
Strolling along Carpenter Street last Sunday, Granny and I found a little stall still making kantong using the traditional method of making shaven ice.
It’s a block of ice on a wooden stand that has a blade with a serrated edge in the middle. Click here to view a video demo of the man at work.
And this is the kantong @ sweeten iced-stick. Nice to eat while weaving through a crowded area. Everyone is making way for you because they do not want their clothes to become sticky. Hee hee!
Granny : Aiya! It’s not a ball! Also, not as good as the one in Penang lah!
Lucia will be most happy at the above statement. As well as Panda. 🙂
Happy Lunar Day everyone!
: : Jelly Mooncake ~ The Taste Test : :
Not too sweet. Firm yet soft to the touch.
Last day of the Mooncake Festival at Carpenter St. is tomorrow all.
Think I’ll get some more for friend and family.
: : Yippee! : :
I got my promotion. Yay!
: : Mooncake Festival ~ Carpenter St. : :
Something new this year.
Jelly Mooncake.
Colourful, no?
The festival ends on Tuesday so hop on down there fast if you want to buy some foodstuff or lantern gear.
: : Hair Salad : :
I went to colour my hair since I haven’t done it since December. Amazingly, my hair got treated with a Hair Salad : Nutrients Treatment.
And I came out of the salon with hair giving off the wonderful fragrance of …