: : More Links : :

Food Blogs listed at Metafilter. Although I’m not in the list, Bin Gregory did put my link in the comment section. Thanks. 🙂

I also found the Joy of Soup. Wah! Love the soup bowls lah!

FuckCorporateGroceries : Caught your attention didn’t I? Go and check it out.

Sauted Wednesday : A great site to look for food links including writeups and blogs.

And, finally found the recipe for Roast Pork Leg with Coca-Cola from Murray Hill. Wah!

: : Profiteroles : :

Primary Basic has put up a recipe for choux buns which I know as Profiteroles or Cream Puffs. Brings back memories of a summer’s day back in UK during my last year of study. Oliver showed a group of us how to make it.

Anyway, it motivated me to dig around for the recipe that I knew I still had, somewhere. So, here it is. It is a variation of Primary Basic’s version but works just as well. It makes about 18-20 small pieces


150ml of water

50 g butter (think it was unsalted butter)

60 g plain flour (shifted)

2 eggs (beaten)

Pinch of Salt

Cold Whipped Cream

Step 1

Heat up oven on Gas Mark 6/200C/400F.

Step 2

Heat butter in water until it has melted. Make sure that you are continously stirring the mixture until it comes to a boil.

Step 3

Remove the pot from the stove and add in the flour and salt. Stir vigorously and fast untill the entire mixture is smooth. Let the pastry cool slightly.

Step 4

Add the egg in slowly, beating in each addition until the mixture is smooth and glowing.

Step 5

Grease the baking tray. Spinkle a bit of water on it. Tap the tray to shake off excess water.

Step 6

With a teaspoon, start dropping a teaspoon of the mix onto the tray at evenly spaced intervals. Make sure it’s not too close as the puffs will start to expand.

Step 7

Bake for 10 min in the over. Then, turn the heat up to Gas Mark 7/220C/425F for a further 10-15 minutes.

Step 8

Remove from oven and pierce the buns with a small toothpick to allow the steam to come out. Let it cool completely.

Step 9

Using a knife, slice an opening by the site of the puffs and add in the whipped cream.

Now, I’m hungry.

Other versions of Profiteroles

With Passion Fruit Filling

With Ice-Cream Filling (Step-by-Step Instructions)

: : Profiteroles : :

Primary Basic has put up a recipe for choux buns which I know as Profiteroles or Cream Puffs. Brings back memories of a summer’s day back in UK during my last year of study. Oliver showed a group of us how to make it.

Anyway, it motivated me to dig around for the recipe that I knew I still had, somewhere. So, here it is. It is a variation of Primary Basic’s version but works just as well. It makes about 18-20 small pieces


150ml of water

50 g butter (think it was unsalted butter)

60 g plain flour (shifted)

2 eggs (beaten)

Pinch of Salt

Cold Whipped Cream

Step 1

Heat up oven on Gas Mark 6/200C/400F.

Step 2

Heat butter in water until it has melted. Make sure that you are continously stirring the mixture until it comes to a boil.

Step 3

Remove the pot from the stove and add in the flour and salt. Stir vigorously and fast untill the entire mixture is smooth. Let the pastry cool slightly.

Step 4

Add the egg in slowly, beating in each addition until the mixture is smooth and glowing.

Step 5

Grease the baking tray. Spinkle a bit of water on it. Tap the tray to shake off excess water.

Step 6

With a teaspoon, start dropping a teaspoon of the mix onto the tray at evenly spaced intervals. Make sure it’s not too close as the puffs will start to expand.

Step 7

Bake for 10 min in the over. Then, turn the heat up to Gas Mark 7/220C/425F for a further 10-15 minutes.

Step 8

Remove from oven and pierce the buns with a small toothpick to allow the steam to come out. Let it cool completely.

Step 9

Using a knife, slice an opening by the site of the puffs and add in the whipped cream.

Now, I’m hungry.

Other versions of Profiteroles

With Passion Fruit Filling

With Ice-Cream Filling (Step-by-Step Instructions)

: : Bazaar Ramadhan ~ Part I : :

Granny and I finally managed to find the huge Bazaar Ramadhan. It was no longer held at the Satok area but at Masjar, Petra Jaya which was located across the Sarawak River. So, adam & sara’s mom and blip, here are some of the pics you guys requested. 🙂

The teeny weeny parking lot was totally packed with cars and motorcycles! So, everyone was parking all along the road heading in and also on the main road. We saw a long row of tents and I was starting to worry whether Granny would be able to walk through all the stalls there.

Granny looking cute as ever and always oblinging to stand in for a picture. I know, the pictures aren’t that great. The sun was one big humongous white ball of bright lights, glaring at everyone.

Hello ah! You also here ah?

I was contemplating of getting some tau fu fah with gula apong when I heard someone greet me. It was the tau fu fah (soya bean jelly) hawker from the Kuching Fest and Mooncake Festival. Haha! Think he remembers me and Granny from the fact that we take pictures everywhere. He must be laughing at me again taking pictures of all the food stalls. We bought a packet of tau fu fah but not the one with the gula apong. What is gula apong? Something like gula melaka (very thick brown sugar), or so they told me.

Wow! When I saw the nasi briyani (briyani rice) with the huge udang galah (freshwater prawns), I just have to buy a packet. Was a lucky thing too! We were the last 2-3 people to get a packet! It was RM4 a packet but worth it. And the prawns turned out to be extremely delicious!!

Looks good eh?

There was also another huge pot of nasi briyani with chicken to the left of the stall but was not as popular as the prawn version.

There were also other versions of the freshwater prawn from the same stall. Oh man! I’m going to be a regular visitor at this stall alright.

We nearly walked until the end but decided to take a break and go home. Granny wasn’t feeling so good so it was time to go.

More pictures up tomorrow! 🙂

: : Bazaar Ramadhan ~ Part I : :

Granny and I finally managed to find the huge Bazaar Ramadhan. It was no longer held at the Satok area but at Masjar, Petra Jaya which was located across the Sarawak River. So, adam & sara’s mom and blip, here are some of the pics you guys requested. 🙂

The teeny weeny parking lot was totally packed with cars and motorcycles! So, everyone was parking all along the road heading in and also on the main road. We saw a long row of tents and I was starting to worry whether Granny would be able to walk through all the stalls there.

Granny looking cute as ever and always oblinging to stand in for a picture. I know, the pictures aren’t that great. The sun was one big humongous white ball of bright lights, glaring at everyone.

Hello ah! You also here ah?

I was contemplating of getting some tau fu fah with gula apong when I heard someone greet me. It was the tau fu fah (soya bean jelly) hawker from the Kuching Fest and Mooncake Festival. Haha! Think he remembers me and Granny from the fact that we take pictures everywhere. He must be laughing at me again taking pictures of all the food stalls. We bought a packet of tau fu fah but not the one with the gula apong. What is gula apong? Something like gula melaka (very thick brown sugar), or so they told me.

Wow! When I saw the nasi briyani (briyani rice) with the huge udang galah (freshwater prawns), I just have to buy a packet. Was a lucky thing too! We were the last 2-3 people to get a packet! It was RM4 a packet but worth it. And the prawns turned out to be extremely delicious!!

Looks good eh?

There was also another huge pot of nasi briyani with chicken to the left of the stall but was not as popular as the prawn version.

There were also other versions of the freshwater prawn from the same stall. Oh man! I’m going to be a regular visitor at this stall alright.

We nearly walked until the end but decided to take a break and go home. Granny wasn’t feeling so good so it was time to go.

More pictures up tomorrow! 🙂

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.