: : Kuaci : :

Reai says: carved pumpkins the other day

Myremi says: hehehheh

Myremi says: kewl

Myremi says: messy though

Reai says: only way to get kuaci mah

Myremi says: hahahhahahahhha

Myremi says: u serious ah?

Reai says: yalar

Reai says: we saved the seeds

Reai says: and he’s going to roast them

Myremi says: oohhhh

Guess she’s desperate in the US. Kuaci is the seeds that Asians eat. Usually white in colour. Gotta take some pics of kuaci soon.

Idea from meesh. 🙂

: : Sweets : :

Reading Josh’s postings on coconut slices made me dig through my library of unused pictures to find this coconut sweet. This is one additive sweet. Remember the light brown sweets that is found in school canteens? I’m amazed my teeth never fell out.

The sweet above was bought from the Tan Kim Hock shop in Malacca but can be found in any sweet shop in Malaysia. Even in the supermarkets, one can find huge packets of this coconut sweet.

Yeah yeah, the picture is blurry. Picture was taken when I was first learning how to use my digicam. So, took it too near. :p

: : You say po-tae-to, I say po-ta-to : :

Granny : Wei! Come down and eat dinner! Got sweet potato lah! Very fresh fresh somemore.

It’s a better day today. My worry has left me a bit so feeling less stressed out. Still, got some more things to do within the next few days i.e. in one weeks time. Another dateline. Hmm….

Still, coming home to an excitable old lady is pretty…err… cute? She had so much to say about the sweet potato the neighbours gave her.

Very fresh, hoh!

Just dig one.

From kebun (farm) in Bau.

Very sweet lah!

Pipeman can only finish one and half lah! His kuli (workers) also!

Well, one thing she sometimes do is add small cut pieces of the boiled sweet potato into the rice cooker. Wah! The rice became so fragrant and sweet. Not to mention that one gets to eat the sweet potatoe as well. Yum!

: : News : :

The Good

My application for Goggle AdSense has been approved today. Yippee!

The Bad

No registration of clicks yet until my site has been indexed at Google AdSense. Sigh. Oh well. Gotta have patience. Still, I’m amazed that I’m on. Wow!

Stressful day at work.

And, no comfort food! 🙁 Wish I had the following –

Soya bean milk! Perks me up. This one is supposedly freshly bottled. Not too sweet too. However, a friend did mentioned that he didn’t think it was that fresh as he tasted something “weird” in it. Ah well!

Remember the miniature cupcakes found in the market? Haven’t had these in a long long time. Wah! Patty-Cake is my stockist. Hee hee! Gosh! It’s light and fluffy. Lighter than the muffins found in the bakeries.

Hmm… maybe will pop down now and have something to eat. Still haven’t eaten dinner. Too stressed out.

: : Expert Food Court : :

Was so busy the past few days that I didn’t have time to go out of the office for lunch. So, had to dig up my archives of unused pictures to see if I had anything interesting to post. Found a few pictures.

The following pics were taken at Expert Food Court, Tabuan Jaya. Went there for lunch 2 weeks ago on the day I flew back to Miri.

Pascale decided to have the crispy chicken and onion rings with her bowl of rice. Well, the rice is equal to one bowl. ;p Something western (the chicken and onion rings) and something Asian (the rice). Looked pretty good.

I had the fried fish with rice. Luckily it came with some thousand island sauce which helped a lot. The fish wasn’t fresh but as long as I didn’t have a quesy stomach after the first bite, then still have to finish the meal.

We all shared a bowl of spicy dumplings. It’s was wantan with chilli oil poured over it. The wantan filling was chopped mangkuang and mince pork. Again, so so.

Now I remember it wasn’t that an appetizing meal. Hmmm… oh well! Had a great dinner that nite in Miri!

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.