: : Mooncake everywhere! : :

To Pascale, my number one supporter of : : mum-mum : : in the office. One of the sweetest gal around.

1:15 p.m. (after lunch at Thompson Corner, Tabuan Jaya)

Location : Big Fresh Supermarket, Tabuan Jaya

Pascale : Wah! A lot of mooncake everywhere. Why don’t you take a picture?

Wena : Hmm…okay. Wait ah. Here, hold this.

Pascale : Okay.

Pascale : Nice display.

Wena : Yeah, I like the paintings.

Wena : I wonder what this?

Pascale : Hmm… something sweet, I think. Maybe mooncake?

Wena : Maybe. Never eaten it before.

Wena : Wei! Don’t run away lah! Stay with me lah. I malu stand by myself to take photo.

Pascale : Okay okay. (Rush backs from around the corner).

Pascale : Wah! These mooncake look really nice and cute.

Wena : True but bit expensive lor.

Pascale : Yeah true. Oh well.

Wena : Okay, I’m done. Time to head back to office.

Pascale : Okay dokie.

5:00 p.m.

Location : Office

Wena : Wow! Nice tin lah. Mooncake is it?

BJ : Yeah, you got one as well. From one of the vendors.

Pascale : Hey! It’s the tin from the supermarket.

Wena : How did you know?

Pascale : Aiya! Price tag is still there mah! Can I have the tin? Can I? Can I? Can I? But take picture first for mum-mum.

Wena : Sure but I wanna show Granny first. Then I pass it back to you on Monday?

Pascale : Oh okay. 🙂

7:30 p.m.

Location : Home in Tabuan Jaya

Wena : Vendor gimme mooncake liaw! So much! How to finish ah?

Granny : Aiya! So many people gimme mooncake one! Better I didn’t order earlier.

Wena : Nice tin eh? Have to give for my friend on Monday.

Granny : Good lor! Too many barang (things) in house already! Karat (Rust) only lah! But still too many mooncake lah!

Wena : Okay okay, I give other people.

So, Pascale gets a nice nice tin. 🙂 At least someone will appreciate it more than me and Granny.

: : The Book Review Blog – Blog, Blog, and Away! : :

Well, yours truly have signed up to be a reviewer of reading material at a blogsite called The Book Review Blog. Brainchild of grace of You is Stupid fame. Read all about how she started doing it.

Now, Wena must seriously not write about food books there! Hahaha! There are currently about 10 reviewers and already 4 of us have already put up some book reviews. Except moi, of course. Posted about a link that suggests the book the reader would want to read instead.

Do pop by and have a looksee. It’s still in its early stages but we hope to have interesting reviews other all sorts of reading manuals. Perhaps even the Proton Saga instruction manual? Hahaha! I’m sure it will be a bundle of laughs all around.

: : Granny Humour : :

Coming back home tonite to an excited 73 year old grandmother who couldn’t stop gushing. 🙂 This was what she said.

Granny : Ah yo! Pipeman (the person in charge of the house renovations) so notti one! I win 4D RM200 so he ask me chia (treat) him makan (eat) KFC and Pizza ah! Aiyo! The Pizza people so notti one!

Granny : They wanna makan (eat) chicken so order KFC lor! Then order pizza ah!

Granny : The gal so notti one. Ask me to order Pizza Chicken (Wena note : BBQ wings) so I say okay lor. Didn’t know so many chicken mah!

Wena : Wah! Pipeman also eat salad meh? Thought he dun (don’t) makan (eat) veggie one.

Granny : Aiya! The gal ask me whether I want so I blur blur order lah!

Granny : Then ah, I order the cola. Thought small small bottle (gesturing wildly) but come big big liaw! So you must finish one!

Wena : Aiyo! So how much everything ah?

Granny : Nearly RM100 liaw. 🙁 Money gone.

Wena : Still got so much left ah?

Granny : Ya lor! First time I order from phone mah!

: : Interesting Reads : :

Table of Condiments that Periodically Go Bad : Hahah! So appropriate. What more, at MIT! :p (via techtick)

Lolly is out to torture me with this picture. And she did such a good job. Oi! Hard to find good western food here in Kuching, you know!

Asian Vegetable Forum : where my picture of cangkuk manis created so much attention. Another name of the veggie is mani chai a.k.a. money veggie.

egullet (India, China, Japan, and Asia Pacific) forum : I seriously got lost in there. There’s just too many conversations going on that it’s easier just to . But if you want to search for more information on cooking or seeking advice on cooking, this is a good place to start.

makansutra forum : they like the custard apple. hee hee!

: : Granny’s Cooking ~ Pork Stew : :

Obviously non-halal. Pics were taken while Granny was cooking Pork Stew for the workers carrying out the renovation work. Which was on Saturday, I think. Can’t remember when I took the pictures.

Fry the garlic and purple shallots in oil until it softens and fragrant. Then, add in the pork. Granny uses a combination of lean pork as well as belly pork (hence the fatty oily portion). Fry until the meat surface is partially cook.

Add in some light soy sauce and stir fry.

She also added in some sweetened dark soy sauce as well. Quite a fair bit. Think it was equivalent to half a small Chinese bowl.

The picture above is when she finish mixing everything together. Pretty dark eh? Anyway, continue stirring until the pork meat looks cook on the outside.

Add in some black mushroom and stir fry a bit more. Then, transfer everything into a pot to be cooked completely. Why fry first? It brings out the flavour and also ensures the seasoning gets into the meat.

While it’s simmering, Granny added in some sugar as she likes it sweet. The usual pork stew found outside is seldom sweet but rather salty. She also added in some pepper.

Finally, the finished pork stew. A variation to this is that Granny would cook a whole slab of meat until it’s really cook. Then, just before serving, she cuts the meat into slices and then cooks it in the gravy for awhile. Nice effect with the meat very white on the inside and dark on the outer layer. Another variation is hard boiled eggs. She would boil the egg in the gravy and then later half it just before serving the dish. Ooohh! Very nice! Slurp!

: : Hotplate : :

Didn’t have lunch until late. So no lunch pics from today but one from another lunchtime. Hotplate noodles.

Location : Da-Light Hawker Center, King Centre, Kuching.

Unfortunately, non-halal. Can’t see the egg as it’s covered by the noodles and chicken but it’s there.

Too tired to say more. Night people.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.