: : Granny’s Feedback : :

Lennonist and fang have some input regarding the Hainanese chilli sauce shown i.e. no ginger and using chicken stock to make the sauce. Well, had a long chat with her this evening on how to make it. She admitted that it’s not the actual Hainanese recipe because of the ginger. So, here is her recipe :

Hainanese Chilli Sauce : Chilli, Garlic, no sugar

Nonya Chilli Sauce : Chilli, sugar

Her recipe : Chilli, Garlic, Ginger (she loves this stuff!), purple shallots, sugar, a pinch of salt

We had a good laugh over the comments. She also says hi. 🙂

: : Moving Snacks : :

Fooling around with the camera and some snacks.


Took it using CLIP MOTION setting on SONY camera. kewl huh? Only problem was that I forgot to fix the light settings, hence some shots are whiter than others. :p

: : Granny’s Cooking : :

No videos today. :p Was posting videos of a fire that occured at the squatter colony next to the house. It’s up at …nA : nU : nA : nU…

Still, did enjoy Granny’s bak kut teh (spare rib tea) for dinner. Of course, she used a quick mix i.e. from a packet. Easier that way. Still tasted good and enjoyed it immensely. Better than what is available outside in hawker centres. Although, I’ve yet to try the famous Bak Kut Teh at Green Road.

For technoLAHgist, some Hainanese chilli sauce. A bit grubby looking because this was leftover from lunchtime. How to make it? Pound ginger, chilli, purple shallots with sugar and a little bit of salt. If you do not have a pestle and mortar, use a food blender but be forewarned that the chilli seeds will not be crushed. Also, be careful not to touch face with your hands. Will start to sting like mad. 🙂 Oh yeah! Don’t forget to add some garlic in! Note about preparing the ginger, you have to smash it with the flat part of the knife to bring out the taste before chopping it up into smaller parts.

: : What Flavour am I? : :

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Beef.I taste like Beef.

I taste like beef. I’m probably made of beef. You are what you eat, they say, and if the title didn’t mean something else, I would be a beefeater. I think red meat is good for you. Puts hair on your chest.

(If you were not Beef you would be Alcohol.)

What Flavour Are You? I tashte like Alcohol.I tashte like Alcohol.

Heh. Heh. I taste like beer. I like beer. Buy me a beer. I’m not drunk, I can drink plenty without… What was I saying? Beer.

What Flavour Are You?

Ho Hum.

: : Granny’s Cooking : :

Was sick at home today with flu. But did managed to capture a video of Granny cooking some stuff.

Stir-fried Chinese Mustard

She cooked it with chopped garlic and pounded dried prawn. This mustard plant is not spicy at all. Very crunchy and not bitter at all, provided that it’s completely cook.

The video clip is here(Part I) but it’s a hefty file of 21.7 MB. Still, it came out well and you can hear Granny in the background speaking in hokkien. It’s a short clip about 40-50 seconds. Note that if you want to cook the dish, don’t forget to add the salt and pepper in! Part II will be up tomorrow. Takes too long to upload from a dial-up so will get a friend to do it tomorrow.

Influenced by technoLAHgist and his videoblog, QuickLAH.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.