: : Kuching Fest Part VII : :
It was a dark and stormy night. The skies were dark. It all started like this…
Opening Act
Granny : Wah! Sky dark lah! Better go now! Else basah (wet) at Kuching Fest!
Wena : No lah! Still early! Only 5 pm. No stall buka (open) now lah.
Granny : *Sigh* Okay. Go at 5:30 pm okie? Can can?
Wena : Yes. No worries. 🙂 You know what you want?
Granny : Ya ya! I wanna try giant u char kueh, thai bee hoon again, chee cheong fan!
Wena : 🙂 . Okay then. I’ll bring basket this time. Easier to carry.
Granny : Ya! Must bring one lor!
Act I : Chee Cheong Fan

Granny : Wah! Look so small lah!
Hawker : Auntie ah! Wan to order or not?
Granny : Yah. Two chicken and two prawn one ah. Long time to cook or not?
Wena : Errr… sounds like too much.
Granny : No lah! See? So small one! Can finish!
Wena : Hmm…. sure or not?
Granny : Aiya! If cannot finish, eat tomorrow loh! 😉
(Postnote : We could not finish half of it! Did not put up the pic of the chicken chee cheong fan as it look so horrible when we put it on the plate. Not photogenic at all! :p)
Act II : Satay
Wena : You sure you want to eat satay again?
Granny : Yah lah! Yesterday only eat 3 pieces!
Wena : Okay. If you say so.
(Postnote : She only ate two pieces tonight. ;p)
Act III : Thai Bee Hoon
Granny : Yay! Can eat eat spicy one.
(Postnote : She finished half the portion by herself.)
Act IV : Giant U Char Kueh

Granny : Where is the u char kueh stall ah? Cannot see one!
Wena : Over there lah!
Granny : *Squints* Ah! Okay! We buy 3 pieces ah! One each : you, me, Ah Leng Kuku (Uncle Cyril).
Wena : Okay. Bit expensive lor. 3 pcs for RM2?
Granny : Try try once mah!
(Postnote : It was worth it. The pic show the U Char Kueh cut into half. Very crispy and fluffy. Pity no chuk (porridge) to eat it with.)
Act V : Life Cafe Spicy Noodles

Wena : I’m going to have some. (3rd time already!)
Granny : Okay. Make sure spicy oh.
(Postnote : She had half of it. TO HERSELF! :p)
Act VI : The Heavens Open Up
Granny : Aiyo! Raining lah!
Wena : Go back home lah! Not so bad yet!
The two Chinese ladies, one old and the other one young, managed to get back to their vehicle. Completely drenched in fresh and rainy water, they made their way back home for hot showers. To end such a memorable weekend, they tuck into a delicious spread of food. Granny is happy for another year.