: : Biiiiigggg steaks @ Cagle Steaks : :

Yep, big steaks alright. I’m getting used to using Windows Movie Maker now but have to look for some better music pieces to attach on to give better video viewing experience.

Here’s the link over at Youtube.com. I sure am going to miss this fast internet connection.

And it’s still a pain that YouTube videos can’t be embedded into Blogger posts yet. Oh well.

Postnote : Google Map directions to get there.

: : Shogun of Japan, Hibachi Steak House : :

Hi all,

I’m trying putting up YouTube.com videos. I got myself a Sony HDD Handycam DCR-SR62 and have been having fun with it the past few days. The only problem is that Blogger doesn’t allow YouTube embedded videos until it’s link up with Google Accounts. Or so it’s been notified since Sept 2006. So, at the moment, it’s just a link to the relevant video page.

I”m currently on a business trip to Lubbock, Texas, USA. And here are some videos of the Japanese Steak House we went to, known as Shogun.

The front of the restaurant. It was very quaint. Plus, it has been 4-5 days since I last ate rice so the sight of rice was a pleasure. An added bonus was that they either used Thai or Japanese small grain rice. Yummy.

The chef’s introduction. It’s a bit blurry because there’s not enough light coming from the handycam so was having a tough time to focus on a post.

Cooking Fried Rice. Klak klak klak klak. ^_^

Meat cooking time. By then, we were extremely hungry and couldn’t wait for the food to come out.

And finally, the veggie bit that is getting cooked.

Postnote : Directions using Google Map.

: : Some updates : :

My old harddisk crashed. Bah! Ok, so that translates to literally hundreds of foodie goodie pictures gone. And that’s pictures that hasn’t been up yet. Should have backup the data but oh well.

As for lack of posts, getting into the blog editor is a real pain over the past few months.

However, will try to put something up of my Plymouth trip. 🙂

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.