: : A Quiet Moment : :

My aunt, Cecilia Holmes, passed away quietly yesterday afternoon at 4:30 pm, Sydney time in Australia. She was in the hospital for a few weeks now due to Hepatitis B infection in her liver. She leaves behind 2 beautiful girls.

I’ll always remember my Aunt Cecilia as a chirpy person and jovial. She used to live with us for a few months in Miri during her bachelor days. I was a young primary school girl then. Both me and my sister.

In view of this, I’ll not be blogging until after the funeral service is over. Got a new pc so still setting it up.

Check back in a week or two.

: : *sob* : :

PC went back into the shop (so to speak) because the motherboard slot for the graphic card doesn’t fit the card. Ah well. Hopefully, I’ll get it back by Friday if the new motherboard can reach Kuching in time.

Other than that, have been checking out the Nintendo Wii prices in both UK and USA. Eep. Steep. And region lock again. Aiyo.

: : Updates : :

Yes yes, I know. It’s been a really long while since I last put up any updates. Please bear with me until this weekend.

I got my PC parts with me at home. The only thing left to do is to goto the shops tomorrow and find a nice casing.

Then, it’s back home to install everything and hopefully, I’ll be good to go by Sunday. That is, after all the defrag that needs to be done after all the installation and data transfers.

After that, pictures of the UK trip will be put up.

: : Plymouth, UK! : :

Passport : Done.
Flight Ticket : Done.

I’m off to Plymouth this Sunday. Now, trying to remember the name of the Malaysian blogger in UK who is blogging about politics. Ah well.

Mon-Thurs : Plymouth
Thurs-Sat : Hemel Hempstead. Well, basically London.

Anyone living nearby? My email is myremi AT gmail DOT com.


Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.