: : Urgent call for Blood Donation : :

A colleague of mine from work is looking around for a blood donor with O+ type blood. Her father is going to go for an operation tomorrow and the blood bank is out of this blood type. He will be having his operation tomorrow and needs another pint of blood. The hospital that he’s at is Sarawak General Hospital (SGH). The operation is scheduled for the afternoon so if you would like to volunteer to donate blood, please do let me know. I’ll pass your contact to my colleague. Drop me an email at myremi@gmail.com and I’ll send you her contact number. Thanks.

However, note that if you are having flu, are on antibiotics, had an accident or cut, or have been to UK in the past 10 years since mid-80s, you won’t be able to donate. I can’t donate because of my study days in UK.

Now, before someone goes off and start complaining about the state of the hospital these days, the blood bank at SGH actually caters to a lot of hospitals in the Kuching division. That includes hospitals that are outstation and private hospitals as well. Also, note that blood banks are usually short of blood during a festive season.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, do drop me an email for the contact details.

: : WIFI for PSP : :

Ok, so I went a little bit overboard and got a WIFI MAX for the PSP. Reason was because I needed it to be playable on both the PSP and Nintendo DS. The DS is a bit more temperamental and not all routers support it. The sad bit is that only the problematic routers are available in Kuching. Bah!

Anyway, after much pain and agony along with the brainpower of Wonderful Wong, we managed to get it working. Phew! That was a pain in itself.

And kiddies, please do not ask your parents for one. Take it from Cousin/Auntie Wena, you’ll not be using it so much.

: : Fashion Food : :

Fashion food indeed. Well, maybe. Then again, taken with an extremely fashionable phone, the SE W800i. However, heavily edited because the lighting is not so good. (Actually, it’s because Wena takes such lousy pictures).

Durian Chips. Made in Thailand. Bought from Singapore, I think. I found it at my auntie’s house about a month back. I didn’t dare open it in case it spoils the taste of the wonderful dinner that Auntie M cooks. This is the same Auntie M whose dinner invitations are never turned down.

Now this is not normal. Oh, the Mandarin Orange is normal. The packaging is not. During Chinese New Year, there are crates and crates and crates and more crates of Mandarin Oranges shipped in from China. Now, the oranges are usually wrapped in very thin pieces of pink paper. This is the 1st time I’ve seen on in a nicely printed plastic bag. I shudder to think how much they would cost compared to the pink-paper-wrapped one. It’s a good marketing ploy but I do wonder whether the price was worth it. From last week in the office. I think my department went through nearly 10 crates of oranges. And the doctor wonders what’s wrong with all of us having gas strict issues prior to CNY.

I got this today from another colleague in the IT department. Seaweed Biscuits from Klang, Selangor, surprisingly. The biscuits were extremely small but addictive!! Tasted really nice. Brand is Golden Sun.

: : Camera Protection : :

Got my heavy-duty, armor plated, bullet proof camera bag today. A friend from work bought it for me from Singapore. This is the Lowepro CompuRover AW. Bought from Cathay Singapore, apparently the Lowepro distributor for SE Asia.

Having said that, this bag is about half my height! Didn’t expect it to be this big! LOL! Pascale was trying it out as well and it was 2/3 her height!

Yes, we are very small in Asia.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.