Reunion dinner with the usual trimmings. It’s a Nonya theme dinner though. Other than the customary leek, fish and prawn dishes, we had Salted Vegetable Soup with Duck and Pork Leg. Yum. Ok, so it sounds weird but believe me, it tasted delicious.
: : Word of Caution : :
These days, it’s better for me to keep my mouth shut about the games I’m playing. I’m currently not a favourite amongst my cousins. Their pocket is running dry because of what I’ve been discussing passionately talking to their kids about.
And it all started from my little Gameboy Pocket back in 97.
On another note, this itty bitty little blog is not viewable from Curtin University. Why? The scrumptious looking pictures takes too much bandwidth. Just heard from a friend. hee hee! Guess good food not only contributes to bigger sizes, it also hits on the net lines.
Oh, new pics? Tonight. The main reason I’ve not been uploading lately is because I don’t have a good FTP software to upload the pictures. Am currently using IE but it can take forever to upload. Any suggestions? Preferably freeware.
: : Oh! Laksa : :
Guess what? You can now order Sarawak Laksa Paste online. And yes ,it’s from the Blue Swallow Brand although repackaged.
How much? No idea. It’s not listed on the website. You’ll need to contact the manufacturers for it.
Site is designed by RedBoxStudio duo, Nic and Krista. I met them a couple of years ago at cooknengr’s New Year Party. Nice couple. 🙂 Then again, when one is that tipsy, everyone seems nice. *waves to Nic and Krista!*
: : Conversations during CNY : :
Sina’ and Dad were around during this CNY celebration in Kuching. So, I’ve been following them around with the various lunches and dinners around Kuching town. Never easy looking for a place to eat during CNY as most restaurants are closed.
Anyway, here are some of the conversations that we were all having. It was a “challenge” to actually continue some of the conversation while still trying to enjoy the meal.
1st day dinner : Eldest Uncle’s home. My cousin was supervising the kids dinner : both his kids and his sisters.
Cousin : J, you can’t leave the table until everyone has finish eating.
J : Awwwww… *sad face and big big eyes*.
S : Man, this feels like jail.
R : We’re all in jail together. Humph!
C : *Concentrates really hard on eating*.
Cousin : So, hurry up and finish eating first.
2nd day lunch : With Sina’s friends in Kuching. Uncle sure has a lot to talk about what it’s like living in the jungle interiors of Sarawak. So, it was definitely a lively conversation.
Uncle : People go missing in the jungle while trekking. It’s either the hantu (ghost) or the python has caught them.
Wena : Wow! The python can attack that fast?
Uncle : Yes yes. They squeeze you until you faint. Then, they will choke you by putting their tail into your mouth. For the people living there, they would quickly raise their arms over their heads and let the python coil around them first. Then, they would reach down and grab the parang (huge knife) and kill them. The python can swallow wild boards and even a huge cow. Very possible for a human being to be eaten as well.
Wena : *Looks at ice-cream dessert*. Sigh. Very hard to finish my ice-cream now lah.
Uncle also related another story about Government workers in the smaller rural towns. You see, a lot of people living in the jungle have to travel a few days just to get government stuff sorted out. It can range from permits, paying fees, renewing licenses, making ICs, etc. The problem comes when the relevant officer is not even present. The general outlook is :
8 am : Report to work
8:30 am : Go for long morning break.
10:30 – 11 am : Come back to work.
12 pm – 2 pm : Go for lunch.
4 pm : Knock off home
Wena : Uncle, sounds terrible.
Uncle : Yes, and these rural folks can’t complain to the relevant authorities because everyone is like that. I just advise friends to go after lunch. It’s easier to get them in the afternoon, rather than in the morning.
Hmmm…the sad part is that most of these rural folks won’t know who to complain to or are too bashful to even make a complain about it. And it’s also not cheap for them to stay in the town inns an additional day just to sort out their government-related issues. Not all of of them have friends or family that they can live with for free.
: : Interesting CNY SMS : :
Chinese New Year brings a host of SMS beeping into the phone. Some of the more interesting ones :
“Dog dog Chiang”
“Dog dog Chiang”
“Dog dog Chiang dog Chiang dog Chiang”
May this year of the WOW WOW bring u GOOD HEALTH, HAPPINESS & PROSPERITY
woof woof, woof woof!
The dog year is here.
receive it with open mind, generous smile and kind heart,
you will be rewarded with “riches” beyong your imagination.
Xin Nien Kuai Le, my friend. 🙂
: : Chinese New Year Eve : :
3 pm Looking for Lunch.
Wena : *sip* Wahliaw! Your kacangma ah! Phew!
Granny : What what? Sweet or not?
Wena : Yes, sweet.
Granny : Can taste samsu (rice wine) or not?
Wena : Ya.
Granny : Then? Why you shout?
Wena : Strong lah. Cannot walk afterwards.
Granny : Eh, I got put water lah. Not like last time, only put samsu.
Wena : Last time, I cannot wake up one.
11 pm Noisy sounds outside the house.
Uncle Cyril : Wah! Garbageman also come at night today.
Granny : Eh! Stop them! Gotta put out lah. They don’t come on Sunday but on Monday.
*Frantic rush of Wena and Granny pulling rubbish bin outside.
Wena : Wah! Working tonight also ah?
Garbage collector : Have to! Too much rubbish tomorrow how?
Wena : Ah ok. Thank you ah!