Conversation with friends and family online through Skype, MSN and the occasional webcam shots.

Conversation 1 (Webcam, MSN, Skype)

Wena : You sound very slow and sick over Skype.
Mum : It’s the satellite connection. Coz you sound sick too.
Wena : Urgh. Ok, turning on the webcam on MSN. Can’t seem to get the Skype one to work.
Mum : (slow motion) I cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…
Wena : Ok, that sounded really creepy.
Mum : Ok, going to get a new webcam for me.
Wena :’re on dialup. :p Very jerky.
Mum : …

Conversation 2 (Webcam, MSN)

Wena : Like the new hair? Color and perm.
Friend 1 : Yeah, suits you. Can see you got new specs too.

Wena faces the window to catch the sunlight.
Friend 1 : Argh argh! I’m blinded!
Wena : Doh!

45 minutes later

Friend 1 : Are you done preening in front of the webcam yet?!?
Wena : NEVER!

I’m as bad as Yzara.

: : Ride back home : :

Yesterday, on the drive back home from office. Uncle Cyril was driving.

Wena : Is that what I think it is?

Uncle Cyril : Yeah. Let’s drive close

Wena : Thought they put them into rattan baskets before transporting them?

Uncle Cyril : Ya lah! Silly farmer must have forgot. Pigs look like they got washed recently. Very very clean.

Wena : Strange to see them like this.

Uncle Cyril : Yeah. Need to put into baskets else they jump out of the truck.

Wena : Aiyo! Got baby one, trying to jump out.

Uncle Cyril : Not so baby lah. Sure at least 6 months. I get closer

Wena : Aiya! No wonder. Old man and woman. Must have rushed back from home.

Uncle Cyril : Later they lose a pig on the road, then they know.

One things for sure, it’s never a dull moment in Kuching.

: : A big kid at heart : :

Christmas Eve at home, having the family dinner :

Wena : Here T, you can use my PSP to play Untold Legends with AG.
AG: Errr…how to turn on wireless?
Wena : Here…(click, clack, clash, ding, beep beep)
T: Wow! This is so cool.
AB: When’s my turn? When’s my turn?

An hour later after dinner :

T’s Mum & Dad : Wena, you’re a bad influence. Now he wants a PSP.


Then I should probably keep quiet about the Nintendo DS I’m thinking of getting. Animal Crossing and Mario Go-kart is very very tempting.

: : New start : :

A new year and a new start. Which basically includes a new look. I.e. New specs and new hair. Well, more like hairstyle. I got it permed while on holiday back in Miri.

And boy, did it generate a lot of comments :

Cousin-in-law : Your hair looks good. It’ll look better when it’s all loosen up.
Wena : Woah! I’m seriously impress. How did an oilman like you know so much about hair styling?
Cousin-in-law : From your cousin, my wife.

Guy 1 : Looks great.
Guy 2 : Suits you.
Guy 3 : Definitely look better.
Guy 4 : Wahliaw! Like Maggi Mee only.
Guy 5 : Curly curly!

Gal 1 : Suits you.
Gal 2 : Very nice. In time for Chinese New Year?
Gal 3 : New specs, new glass. Nice.
Gal 4 : I show your big head from a distance.

Family 1 : You must NOT keep straight hair in future.
Family 2 : Makes you look slimmer. (YESS!)

Granny : Aiya! You ah! First you say to me no more perming so I stop. Now you go and perm. Wet look too!
Wena : Sorry lah. Cannot resist. But bottom part only mah. Not the top part and not for 20 years lah!
Granny : …

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.