: : Jambu Restaurant : :

Still not feeling too well so less writing and more pictures. Until I can get better, that is.

A couple of weeks ago, I attended BJ’s and EL’s surprise birthday party at Jambu Restaurant. Yes, they were definitely surprised and we all had a great time at the Restaurant. The restaurant is located in a refurbished Malay-style house on stilts. It houses a restaurant and a small lounge at the back. Theme is very retro and at the same thing, uniquely Asian. The menu that we ordered for the night was Tapas which was a beautifully selection. Note that the menu was pre-set so I may be wrong about some of the descriptions here.

Of course, what is Tapas without some olives? Here it is with some capsicum and onions. Couldn’t quite identify the sauce though.

And beautiful Chicken Pate on bread. I miss eating Pate so much. Suffice to say that Wena finish most of it off and ignore other bits.

I know there’s a name for this meal but it just slips my tongue everytime. There’s some tomatoes and capsicum in olive oil and basil herbs on top of some French loaf. Pesto? I’m not sure. Anyone?

And of course, deep fried calamari a.k.a. fried sotong/squid. Yum! The sauce was tartar sauce which I think was homemade. Very nice altogether.

Some shrimps / prawn lightly fried with some chillis and onions, I think. The sauce was a little bit sweetish, I think.

Now this is definitely very nice. Soft shell crab, deep fried style. Not sure what was the sauce made out of. Probably a bit of mayoinaise and chilli sauce? It was sweetish, that’s for sure. It’s not quite Thousand Island sauce but something else.

Nachos nachos nachose! With cheese, no less. Also served with some grilled beef and pickled chillis. Not Jalapenos but the local chillis.

I have no clue what this is. LOL!

A firm favourite with everyone : meatballs in tomato sauce.

Ohlala! And we have escargot to boot. Serve in a delicate butter sauce.

Some mussels as well. One selection had a bit of bread crumbs on it. Another one was with some butter. Yummy.

And we cannot miss the birthday cakes either. 3 different cakes for 4 birthday folks. Yes, 2 other birthday babies joined the gathering much later.

For drinks all around, we all had some delicious Sangria.

Jambu Restaurant is a nice place to hang out. Plus, it is halal. Details are below :

32 Crookshank Road
93100 Kuching
Sarawak, Malaysia
Tel/Fax : 082-235292
Mobile : 012 291 5271
Email : jambu_32@yahoo.co.uk
URL : http://www.jamburestaurant.com

: : 2007 USA Road Trip : :

Ok, I need help. Planning to do a USA Road Trip with my Mum in 2007. We’ve not made any plans except a goal : 2007 USA Road Trip.

So, any suggestions, recommendations, etc. are welcome. It’s going to be tough planning a route via the net. So much information but so much to sort out, etc.

So far, I like what’s on this route. Then again, how long does it take to criss-cross USA and get back to Michigan?

Although looking at the flight costs during peak season, it’s pretty expensive at over RM7,000 (US$1,844). *shudder* In 2003, it cost me RM4,000++ (USD1,052) to fly from Kuching to Fort Worth, Texas.

Anyway, any suggestions, please drop a line in the comment section. Thanks.

: : Further Updates : :

Hi folks,

Sorry no pictures these past few days. Web admin is fixing some issues with the server. So, until some time next week, I probably will not be uploading any pictures. I could use Flickr.com but it just takes forever to load up on a Sunday evening. Courtesy of loads of kids on school holidays suddenly having a lot of time to surf the net.

In the mean time, will be trying out my new baby. And reading up on how to make full use of the camera. It’s a long but very useful read at the Canon USA site.

Have also highlighted to dear old Dad that I’d like a big enough camera bag for Christmas.

This is getting serious, folks.

: : Moving up : :

I know that I will get an email from Mr. S who has been suggesting for me to move into the realm of dSLR for a really long time now.

Let’s see now… over the years, I went from this (Sony F77) :

…to this (Canon G5)…

…downgraded to this (Sony-Ericcsson W800i) to take more pics…

…and a few hours ago, major upgrade to this (Canon Digital Rebel XT – EOS 350D) at the Kuching PC Fair

…and I love the speed it takes the camera picture (I’m just too excited).

Although, I’m more than a bit apprehensive about the camera vest that came with it. According to this posting, it could have been as old as 1999!!! It’s definitely going to go into the wash immediately! Probably will also pass it to my uncle. Still considering.

Update : And, ladies and gentlemen, the picture of the free gift :

Pink lock from The World of Peter Rabbit. And if you turn the lock to the other side, the Pikom website is there. Free with every purchase of RM300 in any one bill on the day itself, redeemable from the Pikom booth. They were sneaky as did not publish the fact that they did not offer any free gifts until you grab hold of their free brochure of the event.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.