: : Toy oh boy! : :

My new toy. Worth every penny. Just don’t tell me how much it’ll cost 6 months down the road.

Both pictures were downloaded and resized from GSM Arena review who in turn got these original from Sony-Ericcson. Much as I like Nokia, their N90 just doesn’t take as nice a pictures (comparison).

And yeah, I know I should blog again. Soon!

: : Heart stuff : :

Hi all. Sorry for the silence. I’ve been busy the past week helping my Sina’ look after dear old Dad. He went for a bypass surgery and is now recuperating at my uncle’s home. Operation on Monday last week and discharge on Saturday last week too. He can walk but slowly.

One thing I did learn though is not to make him laugh too much.

Anyway, putting up the link to the Cardiac Unit at the Sarawak General Hospital : http://www.cardiacsgh.health.gov.my/ . It doesn’t appear easily on Google so here’s hoping that when the Google bot crawls here, it gets Cached.

And as always, Wena is having a good laugh with all the comments from people nearby. Here are some of them from the nurses :

Uncle, we comb your hair a bit ah. Make you very handsome!
Singing is good you know. I be the next Malaysian idol! (after hearing the nurse singing softly behind the counter)

Well, Dad is alright. The Cardiacthorasic Unit at the Sarawak General Hospital is one of the best in the South East Asia region. Better facilities than in IJN (National Heart Institute), KL. And guess what? Dad did not need to have arteries or veins from his arm or legs. The surgeon took it from his chest and it was enough for 3 bypasses.

Anyway, time to wrap things up at work and rush to get Dad some Ribena juice.

: : Updates : :

Ok ok ok. I’m sort of back. This was too good a story to past up so posting it now.

Been away for abit. Why? Because Blogger.com was lagging like mad a few months ago. It’s better today so phew!

Now to try and get back into the swing of things. My camera has been sitting in my cupboard for the past 2-3 months.

Just have to get over this bad allergy and I’m fine.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.