: : Food Hunt! : :

Jan 15, 2005

Email from my sis :

Think you can find the coffee shop with the abandoned steam roller in this article?

Hubby says he wants to go there to eat laksa 😛


Jas and Donnie were making their way back to Malaysia for a short visit here.

Scratching my head on where is a food stall that has a steam roller in Kuching near the wharf. Open air market good laksa meh? Granted that I’ve not grown up in Kuching but lived here for a few years.

Between Jan and Jul 2005

Asking various folks around who grew up in Kuching :

Dad : Hmm…no steam roller in Kuching Open-Air Market lah.

Min Yen : Nothing in Indian Streat. You sure about the steam roller bit?

Cousin Jack : No steam roller near Waterfront Front.

Uncle Cyril : Sure it’s not the famous laksa cafe near Maybank?

Starting to panic a bit. Strange that no one remembers this place.

July 12, 2005

Dad : Finally found out where it is. It’s the small coffee shop next to Grand Continental and the Indian Temple.

Oohhh! That one.

It’s Choon Hui cafe. The backstreet is a huge dual carriageway!! A very popular breakfast place and famous for it’s laksa and roti kahwin @ wedding bread.

The picture taken today. Jas and Donnie had a bowl of laksa here just before flying off to Kuala Lumpur. There’re there now.

: : Peek-a-boo : :

I’m still alive but barely. I’m too tired at night to think so hard.

Will be blogging some pics this weekend but blogging and pictures will be occasional at the moment.

And yes, if you’re reading this, I’ve been question on why I’ve stop and haven’t been blogging regularly.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.