: : Music in my Kitchen : :

A meme from Stef.

What is the total number of music files on your computer?

Hmm…I think about less than 100 files. Seldom listen to music while online because it tends to slow down the online gaming session. Hee hee… haven’t kick that addiction yet.

The CD you last bought?

I think it was David Scheel’s Dont Shoot Me, I’m only the Piano Player. LOL! That was because I attended his piano recital at the request of my cousin last year. Well, it was a humourous session to say the least and we all couldn’t stop laughing. It was as an unorthodox piano recital and definitely a great introduction to piano classical music.

(I can hear open jaws falling down.)

Sad to say that the CD recording quality could be better. Some were very good, others not really.

What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?

I think it was in the cafeteria. One of the many many Chinese New Year music. Think it was about Chai sen tau @ God of Prosperity/MONEY.

(Think us Chinese are too obsess with money. Gold just makes us all tingle.)

Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.

Hmm….well, let’s skip the often listen to and get down to the one that means a lot. In no apparent order :

The Most Beautiful Girl in the World

Not Prince’s version. The oldie one. I remember being 11-12 years old when my Dad was showing me his vinyl record collection. And this was one of the songs that I remembered.

The Glory of Love

What can I say? Chicago is one of my all-time favourite bands.

We Build this City on Rock and Roll

I discovered Rock and Roll with Starship.

Girls all the Bad Guys want

It was the style of music and not the song! LOL! Protests will get me nowhere. Reminds me of being fun and crazy.

(Don’t faint, Dad. I wasn’t that crazy.)

One Week

Barenaked Ladies always gives me a good laugh. And the 1st time I heard this song, I couldn’t stop laughing. Haven’t stop since. Song reminds me of KL student days. When I was big (and still am) on alternative music.

Which is now known as many names.

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?

Jas – My sis because her taste in music is usually better than mine.

DrLiew – Check out his blog recently after I haven’t been visiting it much. Suddenly remembered how humourous his blog is so may be interesting to find out what his taste in music is like. A doctor’s humour on a great day. Read up on him and his escapades with his nurses.

Stephanie – It will definitely be interesting, that’s for sure. And she will most likely put up a great picture with it too!

Now, the state of my refurbished PC. Well, it’s working now but I found that they uninstall the picture editing software. Sigh. Now I have to install it back so that the pictures can be edited. So, sorry guys, gotta wait a little bit longer then.

: : Taste Everything Festival : :

2005 is getting to be a very very interesting year. Already within the last few months, we have seen a lot of food related awards and even in the bloggies too.

Well, there is also the 2005 Independant Food Festivals and Awards. To quote the website,

TasteEverything a new organization and website dedicated to helping people share great food experiences announces the first annual Independent Food Festival and Awards.

Hmmm….that sounds very very delicious. Results will be posted on February 22, 2005 so bookmark this site folks!

: : Menu for Hope : :

*white tablecloth as we prepare you the menu. please scroll down further for menu and posting.*

A Menu For Hope

Hi everyone! I’m sure by now those who frequent other sites have discovered that the Food Blogging Community has put up a Menu for Hope for our readers in the hope that they will kindly give a little hope to the tsunami victims. Already, there are still strong waves flowing through Acheh and there was another earthquake but this time on the island of Java.

The theme of the Menu is food from the affected countries hit by the waves. We have a whole range of food from Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Malaysia and others too. It is paired with a selection of wine as well for your selection.

I’m so sorry to say that due to my PC woes, I couldn’t put up any pictures for of the dish that Granny cooked up. Not to mention that I’m very very late at posting it up (10 hrs from the specified time!!). Posting it from work you see. The dish is bamboo shoots cooked in coconut milk. It’s a wonderful dish that can be very rich and yet very delicate too. Here is the recipe :

1/2 kilo of bamboo shoots (no kidding, bamboo shoots are just plain heavy)

1 packet of dry coconut milk powder (no need to dump everything.

should be added based on people’s tastes as too much may seem too


some belachan @ dried prawn paste (cut a small piece 1 cm x 2 cm)

hot water

1-2 chillis

3-5 peppercorn

salt to taste

  • Boil the bamboo shoots in water until the color becomes yellow and

    bamboo is soft. Throw away the yellow water. If you intend to store

    the bamboo shoots in the fridge for cooking the

    next day, put it in a

    bowl of water and store in fridge.
  • Pound the belachan, cillis and peppercorn together.
  • In a bowl, mix coconut milk powder in hot water.
  • Mix everything into a pot and boil.
  • Add salt to taste. note : do not add coconut milk all at one go but

    enough that you like what u taste.
  • I hope that you will enjoy it. I will put up the pictures after my PC returns tomorrow night. In the mean time, please do check out the other websites for other delicious meals.

    Oh! Nearly forgot! Silly me! For the wine pairings, Lenn and Alder have recommended the following wines (it’s in the menu in case you haven’t notice):

    Wild Mushroom Salad

  • 2002 Solaris Carneros Pinot Noir, Carneros, California
  • 2002 Domaine Jean Pierre Diconne Auxey Duresses Rouge, Burgundy, France
  • Samosas, Mini Summer Rolls, and Khari Poori with Cilantro and Mint Chutney (soup too, if you want to!)

  • Rihaku Shuzo Nigori “Dreamy Clouds” Tokubetsu Junmai Sake, Shimane

    Prefecture, Japan
  • Everything Else

  • 2000 Trimbach Gewurztraminer, Alsace, France
  • 2003 Waters Crest Riesling, Long Island, New York
  • Except for the Sake which was priced at USD28, all the other wines are under USD20.

    I hope that you do enjoy this menu and if you have it in your heart to give a little something, please do click on the button below. We are channeling all donations to UNICEF.

    Have fun cooking it up. I had fun coming up with menu and so did everyone else. Thanks to Pim for getting everyone together and pulling it off. She did a marvelous job (chasing me and a few others) to remind us of the dateline and getting the pictures ready as well as the map. Thanks to the others too for all the marvelous emails zipping through and fro on how to post up the pictures and edit the HTML.

    Cheerio all and see you on Friday! That’s when I’m getting my PC back. Yippee!

    : : Menu for Hope : :

    *white tablecloth as we prepare you the menu. please scroll down further for menu and posting.*

    A Menu For Hope

    Hi everyone! I’m sure by now those who frequent other sites have discovered that the Food Blogging Community has put up a Menu for Hope for our readers in the hope that they will kindly give a little hope to the tsunami victims. Already, there are still strong waves flowing through Acheh and there was another earthquake but this time on the island of Java.

    The theme of the Menu is food from the affected countries hit by the waves. We have a whole range of food from Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Malaysia and others too. It is paired with a selection of wine as well for your selection.

    I’m so sorry to say that due to my PC woes, I couldn’t put up any pictures for of the dish that Granny cooked up. Not to mention that I’m very very late at posting it up (10 hrs from the specified time!!). Posting it from work you see. The dish is bamboo shoots cooked in coconut milk. It’s a wonderful dish that can be very rich and yet very delicate too. Here is the recipe :

    1/2 kilo of bamboo shoots (no kidding, bamboo shoots are just plain heavy)

    1 packet of dry coconut milk powder (no need to dump everything.

    should be added based on people’s tastes as too much may seem too


    some belachan @ dried prawn paste (cut a small piece 1 cm x 2 cm)

    hot water

    1-2 chillis

    3-5 peppercorn

    salt to taste

  • Boil the bamboo shoots in water until the color becomes yellow and

    bamboo is soft. Throw away the yellow water. If you intend to store

    the bamboo shoots in the fridge for cooking the

    next day, put it in a

    bowl of water and store in fridge.
  • Pound the belachan, cillis and peppercorn together.
  • In a bowl, mix coconut milk powder in hot water.
  • Mix everything into a pot and boil.
  • Add salt to taste. note : do not add coconut milk all at one go but

    enough that you like what u taste.
  • I hope that you will enjoy it. I will put up the pictures after my PC returns tomorrow night. In the mean time, please do check out the other websites for other delicious meals.

    Oh! Nearly forgot! Silly me! For the wine pairings, Lenn and Alder have recommended the following wines (it’s in the menu in case you haven’t notice):

    Wild Mushroom Salad

  • 2002 Solaris Carneros Pinot Noir, Carneros, California
  • 2002 Domaine Jean Pierre Diconne Auxey Duresses Rouge, Burgundy, France
  • Samosas, Mini Summer Rolls, and Khari Poori with Cilantro and Mint Chutney (soup too, if you want to!)

  • Rihaku Shuzo Nigori “Dreamy Clouds” Tokubetsu Junmai Sake, Shimane

    Prefecture, Japan
  • Everything Else

  • 2000 Trimbach Gewurztraminer, Alsace, France
  • 2003 Waters Crest Riesling, Long Island, New York
  • Except for the Sake which was priced at USD28, all the other wines are under USD20.

    I hope that you do enjoy this menu and if you have it in your heart to give a little something, please do click on the button below. We are channeling all donations to UNICEF.

    Have fun cooking it up. I had fun coming up with menu and so did everyone else. Thanks to Pim for getting everyone together and pulling it off. She did a marvelous job (chasing me and a few others) to remind us of the dateline and getting the pictures ready as well as the map. Thanks to the others too for all the marvelous emails zipping through and fro on how to post up the pictures and edit the HTML.

    Cheerio all and see you on Friday! That’s when I’m getting my PC back. Yippee!

    : : The day my PC died (again) : :

    This has now become a monthly event for me. It happened last night and so, said PC is now in the workshop. The only components left that is still original are the Graphics Card, Harddisk and Pentium Chip. Eeep! Well, after this round of repairing, my PC is nearly 90% rebuilt. Doh!

    Better hope that the harddisk have not died. There are a lot of food pictures in the PC still yet to be posted. Something like 50-100 of them. Gulp!

    In the mean time, here’s a place to check out for food pictures : Food Stock Photography Search. Will put this link in the right sidebar laters.

    Cheerio all!

    : : The day my PC died (again) : :

    This has now become a monthly event for me. It happened last night and so, said PC is now in the workshop. The only components left that is still original are the Graphics Card, Harddisk and Pentium Chip. Eeep! Well, after this round of repairing, my PC is nearly 90% rebuilt. Doh!

    Better hope that the harddisk have not died. There are a lot of food pictures in the PC still yet to be posted. Something like 50-100 of them. Gulp!

    In the mean time, here’s a place to check out for food pictures : Food Stock Photography Search. Will put this link in the right sidebar laters.

    Cheerio all!

    Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.